sharwil avocado vs hass

Until then, let me say that every one of the varieties you mentioned has great tasting fruit (except that Ive never eaten Green Gold so cant comment with experience on that one). Ps. The taste of a Sharwil avocado is excellent, on par with any avocado that Ive tasted. I found only two Spanish nurseries that talked rootstocks. Ill write it within the next couple weeks and title it something like Avocado varieties for year-round fruit.. I am from Nice (France, Europe), and I would like to plant two avocado trees in my garden. Our USDA certified Avocado fruit are medium to large sized pear-shaped with a small seed (~74% flesh), higher oil content than Hass (28% compared to 21%), and a green rough skin that is soft to the touch when ripe. Asking them to prune 3X a year I think is questionable. Pinkerton seems to never drop fruit in the heat. Historic photo of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Hass in front of an avocado tree The state dealt in the Sharwil variety of avocado, which some say is superior in taste and texture and yields more flesh. Better now than never. In 1992, the USDA banned shipment of the Sharwil avocados after an oriental fruit fly larva was found in a Hawaiian packinghouse that processed Sharwil avocados and other local produce. Once you exclude the fiber, a whole avocado is simply 2.6 grams of net carbs. Funny thing is that Hass was once an outsider. Or do you have any tips that may make it work? I am curious to hear your thoughts on these varieties or think something else would be better suited. For anyone in the bay area I recommend Pinkerton and Lamb. Or consider 'Lamb Hass,' a similar-size tree, hardy to 26 degrees, bearing 10- to 18-ounce Hass . And then if youve got a productive Reed (which are always productive, actually), whose fruit youll want to start eating in summer, then youll only need your Hass fruit to last around three or four months (late spring to early summer). On second thought. Might turn out to be yours though! See my short video profile of Pinkerton avocado fruit here.). The tree eventually began to die, when I cut it down the center of the large branches were black. If you want the tree to grow more vertically, Id plant a Reed. Thanks for all of these wonderful updates. Step 6. The difference is that the A type trees have flowers that will open as females in the morning one day, close in the afternoon, then open the next afternoon as male and then close in the evening. Two, how many people are you feeding? I enjoy hearing your feedback on Holiday. USDA Certified Production Facility: Volume up to 6,000 lbs. North-south orientation works well since morning and afternoon sun will hit all trees almost equally. I live in southern CA zone 10b near Los Angeles. TREE SIZES. 'Wilma' cold-hardy avocado fruits weigh up to six ounces (182g). So sorry to hear about your trees. Its significantly bigger than Hass, as seen in the photo above, and. for avocados. Also someone mentioned tree size and I think I have seen better luck with fresh smaller trees since they were not sitting in pots too long. In my yard, Reeds start to taste good as early as May, and can go through September. I have a place near my citrus trees. I dont know anything about salt in soil, never heard of it on the French Riviera. If you live in a cooler area I think it calls for some adjusting. Shot hole borers being involved didnt even occur to me, but now that you mention it that seems like a definite possibility. Thanks. If they dont get a good start to life, they usually struggle forever. Thanks Its green-skinned fruits weigh 8 to 20 oz and mature in winter and spring. I wish I knew your yard in particular because there are always various microclimates within Sunset Zones and city limits, but unless youve got an unusually low and cold spot then these varieties should do fine. The main negative is that, to me, Pinkertons dont taste quite as good as Fuertes. They should do well for you. Sorry that I bad-mouthed Zutano in the comment above. At least I think it is a Reed, they said it was and it definitely looks like one from all the pictures. Was looking at Sir Prize, your article leans toward Haas, stay with Haas? The same occurred with my newly planted atemoya: the leaves turned black, and the tree dried to death. Its significantly bigger than Hass, as seen in the photo above, andReed also stays green when its ripe. I wish I could visit that old Puebla. Old mexicana only a few a year, sometimes none. Thanks! By the way, I have a few other Hawaiian varieties growing that Ive never tasted and am wondering if youd recommend giving any of them more or less attention and space: Murashige, Malama, Nishikawa, Kahaluu? And then theres your commitment to pruning. Taste Ive read is great. But keep this in mind: each of these three varieties is capable of producing a hundred avocados on a tree thats less than 15-feet tall even if its not close to an opposite-type tree. As an aside, I recently spent a long weekend in Ramona, beautiful area. What a wonderful gift! Then why isnt Fuerte my top choice? The tree is supposedly over 40 and is a seedling with both Fuerte and Hass characteristics yet again the flavor has that tanginess only Fuerte has. So even though I had anticipated buying for a few months, it seems that the winter avocado is more expensive, historically. I saw a fruiting avocado tree for the first time in my life. The challenge is that many of them have similar harvest seasons, which are spring into summer: Hass, Sharwil, GEM, Gwen. We have a large greenhouse and I was hoping you could suggest some avocados that might be easier to grow and fruit here? Thank you for your wonderful blog! This autumn, I decided to order more avocado trees from Brokaw. Plus 1 GEM, 1 Lamb and 1 Bacon. I grew up in the San Gabriel Valley. Having grown up in San Diego and having a father who loved Avocados, I was never without. I know Sunland, and I can empathize with how you and your avocados feel. Its a sad fact. As for Reed, it can handle the heat fairly well as far as Ive seen. Step 5. Sharwils harvest season compared to Reed will likely be more similar to Hass at your location. The salt tolerance of some is not extremely better than others. The fifteen-gallon avocado trees Ive planted have all continued to be far bigger and productive earlier than five-gallon trees planted at the same time. There are other varieties that taste as good or possibly slightly better than Hass. Thanks for the response. Like all the Mexican avos, it has a thin skin you can eat like an apple, and a high-oil-content flesh that has a rich taste similar to 'Hass', but with its own distinctive flavor notes. And compared to Reed, Fuertes production isnt as consistently high. This has happened before when a local avocado grower put a video of a seedling with huge avocados up on YouTube. Greg, what rootstocks would you recommend for GEM, Lamb and Bacon? But mine trees are still small 3 and 4 feet and last year only had 5 egg size fruit. Step 4. Even in warm-winter locations it doesnt always bear as well as some A types. 4. With a single Hass tree you can have good avocados at hand for at least seven months out of every year. That was very encouraging. Its season should complement the GEM even better, and the growing pattern seems like its columnar as well. Hi Joseph, As I recall, the Tijuana River valley is where they were first noticed some years back. So keep that in mind. I sprayed today and will keep it up. I decided to follow your advice and plant one Reed and one Hass. Multi-grafted avocado trees can work. For those who have a large yard, Martin. Ive driven through Mendocino and farther north many times, but havent seen bearing avocados growing up there with my own two eyes. The flesh itself has a mild taste and is quite watery. Craig. Do you have any recommendations for which trees/rootstock combinations have the best chance of survival out here? It will be in the first week of October. Ive only eaten them once though, a handful of years ago up in Carpinteria. Thanks. I dont want to overstep my welcome to the tree. I like the taste of all of them, so would ideally want to pick one for cross-pollination and longest season of Avocados from both! The purpose behind the mass flowering is to encourage visits by pollen vectors. I was trying to think of any varieties that cant be kept to 10-12 feet tall, but Im at a loss. I dont know of any other commercial avocado grove with many Sharwils, unfortunately. I would plant a Hass if I were you. Maybe one day you will see it. I dont think it is possible to attach files to the commentaries, so I will send you pictures by email. So Im only guessing here. One, get only the hardier varieties, such as Fuerte, Bacon, Zutano, or Puebla. Both trees have been prolific. I watered it every day, but the young tree literally burnt alive and became all black in just one month. Is that the same down South? So you dont want to prevent the drop of fruitlets if the set is heavy. Its me from up North again. Fertilize every few months with a well-balanced citrus and avocado plant food. Good questions, all. But I still hesitate about the rootstock variety. Results and timelines of grafted avocados. Now I am wondering if I will regret having a Bacon paired with my Hass instead of getting a Fuerte. Temecula gardener here. Let me get things together on my side before I share too much about the Lamorinda tree. The equipment you need to move between rows to do your spraying will have to be accommodated. Someday you will be the resource of knowledge on avocado growing in Nice. The Nabal is really dropping a lot of yellowing leaves daily and making me nervous about over or under watering or something else I might be causing. Thought you and others might be interested in knowing that Gwen avocados are currently available at Elis Farmstand in Fallbrook. Hass beats almost everyone at the length of its harvest season. Should I go which two Dusas (Hass+Dusa, Reed+Dusa)? I think Bacon and Lamb are good choices. Your description makes the tree and its fruit sound very appealing. I hope to hear more updates from you. Should we take all the trees out and start new? Besides it being a source of great tasting fruit id like it to be a nice (picturesque) shade tree. Fuerte and Nabal are both well known for alternating in this way. And such dense shade cloth (60%) right above the trees for the whole summer would be too much shade and would reduce growth. No matter your choice, Im excited for you to get a tree or a couple going in your yard. Hi Greg. Hi Greg, Ive never had a tree-matured Sir Prize. High oil content - Sharwil and Hass both >25% oil. Its just hard to start growing a tree that you: Thanks for the update. Spacing six feet apart with ten feet between rows is very workable, depending on a few factors. One of his favorites was the Nabal. In Europe, I can buy: I am curious to see if it will fruit consistently. For your milder location though, this might not be important. The Reed avocado variety is a chance seedling of Nabal, selected by James Reed in California in 1948. As for the snow, we have had quite a bit of ice the last few weeks, and today it snowed in parts of the mountains, even in the valley (Pasadena/Rancho Cucamonga)! A good companion for GEM in your allotted space of 12 by 12 might be Pinkerton or Sir-Prize to get fruit in winter before GEM is ready to pick in spring; or Reed or Lamb to get fruit in summer into fall after the GEM harvest is done. Thanks for the info. What could have caused this issue ? It is medium in size with rough green skin and yellowish-green flesh. Sharwil is not as 'nutty' as Hass, but has a mild but rich fullness of flavor and lingering creamy after-taste that transcends Hass. The Nabals I know are a bit of both, and not small trees if left unpruned. So I decided to plant a Hass and a Sir Prize which sounded like a great variety. But I would add them only after planting this trio. Two months ago my Nabal (in SoCal) was also developing a lot of yellow leaves with brown veins, and falling off. Hi Greg, Ill try some beneficial predator mites next. A lesser-known variety but one still popping up in supermarkets is the mighty Florida avocado, also sometimes called the Dominican avocado. Thanks for everything. When I walk around my neighborhood here in Sylmar, Its amazing how most people abuse their avocado trees by having their gardeners rake up those leaves as soon as they hit the ground. Fuerte. Following your advice, I have planted 5 Hass trees, 1 Fuerte, 1 Reed, and 1 Sir prize. Do you agree that GEM would be a good choice? Maybe that would work. Youve spurred me to finally post on some portion of the topic at least. If you want it to spread very horizontally, Id plant a Fuerte. BTW Thank you for the great info youve published. At my place Gwen seems to be doing fine in the heat but it is getting some afternoon shade from a large live oak. The Hass Avocado. [About our soil: it is not acid at all, for sure. I could swear that I read somewhere that Reed trees will get very tall if left unpruned. We had a hass 4 years back that sun burned to death. One is related to a nursery based in California called Brokaw: Avocado varieties are of two flower types A or B and it has been observed in California since almost the beginning that A-type varieties fruit more reliably overall. What would be smarter choice? Sharwil The most popular Hawaiian avocado and the only one certified for shipping to the mainland, Sharwil avocados are relatively large, green-skinned fruits descended from both Guatemalan and Mexican trees. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window). You live in a fantastic neighborhood for growing avocados, as you obviously know. Lambs are also highly productive, taste very good, and mature in summer into fall. Truly, you can prune almost any variety to almost any shape, but its easier if you go with the natural tendency of the variety. Try to check out the frost patterns next time we get a cold night too. Holiday doesnt produce much down here either, from the trees Ive seen and grown, compared to other varieties. Great article, Im planting a reed, hass and fuerte. So I tried a Reed for the first time today from the farmers market. Ive enjoyed reading your posts as I consider my Avocado plant. So, right now, at the churchs garden we already have a beautiful avocado collection Hass, Lamb, Bacon and Reed. A whole avocado contains around 11.8 grams of carbs ( 1 ). Its usually easier to grow an avocado tree in the ground than to keep one healthy in a container. Id probably still go Fuerte. We do occasionally get into the mid-20s F in the winter, but it rarely reaches 70F in the summer. When they set a lot like your trees have, they must shed some or else branches will break, get sunburned, even die back from the stress of growing too much fruit. Hi Greg, thank you for your posts. We planted 4 avocados in the front: Hass, Sharwil/Kona, Fuerte, and Reed. Youve already got some great varieties growing there. For the summer/fall varieties, Im unsure about Gwen. But at least it was grown in Southern California. So sorry to have somehow missed your earlier comment. Sometimes the selection and quality is terrible, but sometimes its excellent. My son, who ate it with me, called it the bestest avocado ever. (Though only a kindergartener, he has eaten his share of avocado varieties and actually has an opinion worth listening to!). So with just these two trees, Id have the highest quality avocados in the world for most months of the year. I dont think youll regret a Hass/Bacon pair unless you dont like the milder taste of Bacon. Thanks. Youre very welcome. I wanted to say I appreciate all you do with your website and videos. Would you recommend Carmen Hass and GEM? June of this year I topped them at 8 feet, The Gem is still at 8 feet but the other two want to grow to the moon. How does your Reed do through Sylmar summers? Oh I wish! The problem with Fuerte is that it tends to grow horizontally so youd have to be vigilant about training it up a stake and pruning as necessary. Carmen and GEM are definitely both worth adding to your collection in terms of being great tasting, high yielding, and having good hang time. Just so you and other readers know, my yard is in inland San Diego County near the town of Ramona. One I chose was Pinkerton, and I chose it because I knew very well that its bloom always overlapped with Fuerte since I have trees of both in my yard. When your Hass avocado tree is newly planted, it will need to be watered every two to three days. All these years I couldnt figure what it was. Sounds like a good plan. Check the photos and descriptions of cankers and discoloration on avocados at this UC IPM page, and maybe one will fit your Gwen: I read your articles about pruning and also about hass being a great choice for a single tree. I would like a dwarf variety to keep in a large pot on a deck about 4 miles from the San Diego Coast. has a high oil content and is larger than the hass variety. I like that place, he even recommended going down to Maddocks a bit further if he didnt have what I wanted. In terms of the harvest season complementing your Hass and Fuerte, advantage probably goes to Reed here also. And if the tree is small, you might actually need to deliberately remove some of the fruitlets for the trees own long-term health. Finally, Ill say that if I had to have two avocado trees of any one variety, it would definitely be Hass. After watching your wonderful Fuerte tree video I was inspired and replaced my young Ettinger for the real thing besides Fuerte might be my personal favorite flavor probably because I remember the taste of Fuerte guacamole as a kid. The skin is green when ripe, is bumpy and of medium thickness, and peels easily. It is an effective way to manage closely planted trees. Adam Tropics is located in the center of Temecula, we offer many varieties, Gem is a new type very similar to Hass Avocado in tree shape and quality of fruits but mature trees grow a little smaller than . Id like to try out that variety. Eli also sells his avocados at farmers markets, and the one closest to you is in Corona Del Mar. SUPPORTERS (we thank you! I saw that you have a Gwen and was curious what your take is on that. Should I plant a Reed to complement my other trees? Hi Peter, I have been in contact with them for Carmen, GEM and Ettinger trees and late January was told to ask later in April for the trees. Those varieties would also probably not be extremely vigorous compared to the GEM such that pruning wouldnt be such a challenge. It is probably the climate but since I have been surprised by other varieties nothing like finding out for . We have tried to plant Hass avocados about four times and despite every best effort with location change in the yard and switching up irrigation they all eventually turned black on the trunk, browned leaf tips, and given up, to our dismay. Horizontally? The farmer found GEM to do very well on Toro Canyon and Duke 7 rootstock in his soil, however. Taste Ive read is great. I think they do not sell avocado trees on Dusa in nurseries, because it is still under licence (I had to pay a bit more for the patent and had to communicate to Brokaw the addresses of the orchards). In the meantime, well work on protecting it from sunburn when it hits 100 F or 110 F in a few months! It is only slightly pebbled with yellowish bumps, much smaller than the ones found on a Hass. Its good no doubt, but being the guy at Clausen told me it is the _best_ avocado, I was a bit surprised that it didnt have the high oil content like a Hass, it reminded me much more of a Fuerte, milder and more water based than oil based. You just have to do a little pruning to make sure they share sunlight and space. I read about GEM, and it sounds like it would fit easily in our space and produce great fruit. 1. Hass is the most widely planted variety in the world for good reason. If I had the space for only one avocado tree, I would plant a Hass. Its super helpful for us newbies . The fruit must be of good size. Black on trunk and brown leaves suggest sunburn and lack of water. Yet the tree is smaller in that it is an upright instead of a large spreading type, the fruit are small but turn black when ripe (about the size of tiny hass found 8 in a bag), and the tree is a heavy producer (at least it was this time). Make sure that you water the tree every day to retain the moisture, and remove it to an area that still gets sunlight during cold weather moths, but is protected from frosts and freezes (a large sunny room is perfect). Thanks, Keith. If I didnt feel the need for lots of space, I would, no doubt. Thank you so much for your response. Started producing at 3? Thanks. I just bought a house in Covina, CA, and Im looking to plant two varieties in the same area (about 10 apart) once our cold spell is over. Other A-type avocados that are naturally on the relatively small side and produce well and are good eating include: Pinkerton, Lamb, Reed, and Gwen. I was surprised this past weekend that I found the Lowes in La Mirada had 10 Reeds in 5 gallon containers. It has set more fruit while young than most of my other varieties. Greg, See: Should be interesting to see how it works out. I found one at a small nursery in south county and planted it in between the 2 existing trees. On the other hand, if a tree doesnt have a heavy set and you want to try to prevent the few fruitlets that it has set from dropping, the best thing you can do is make sure it doesnt become stressed from heat or thirst. I saw his GEMs on Toro Canyon and they looked perfect and vigorous. I made one for my mom in her backyard about six years ago and its doing well. Production is too low in California. I know you know the pruning game so Im sure youll have no problem keeping the trees at 12 feet. They are on the bigger side, green-skinned, pear-shaped, and tasty. So, I want versions that handle topping well or are naturally small. Theres no rush. (If youre wondering where to buy one of these avocado varieties or any other variety of avocado tree see my post, Where to buy an avocado tree.). Im going for it! As for growing a Sharwil tree in your yard, youll probably find that it wont be quite as productive as a Hass or Reed, but possibly more productive than a Fuerte. I get my first 14th trees from 2 Spanish online shops and after a couple of months in the dirt and under mulch, all of them are doing fine: In fact the tree might be a hundred years old and is easily 60 feet tall or larger. dont know how to grow in your region, Yes, heat tolerance would be a desirable quality indeed. When I looked up the harvest time, it looks similar to a Reed. Shepard avocados will not bend or break. I am still waiting for an answer about my order, which, I hope, will be possible. GEM with a friend is a great idea. The fruit has the same thick, pebbly skin as the Hass but has a little rounder shape. The Hass avocado is one of the most delicious varieties of avocado around, with a rich creamy flesh and superior taste. I love old trees like that. Im ruthless with pruning shears (you have to be), Youre welcome to check out Piet Stassen and his pruning technique displayed at UC Irvine. I completely understand and I agree. If you want to maintain that upright growth, then its best to limit the fruitset or pinch the tips of branches as they grow so that they fork more and are better able to hold a load of fruit. how come i never thought about this! Wish me luck! My Reed, as well as those I know nearby, does relatively well. Required fields are marked *. There are other varieties that taste as good or possibly slightly better than Hass. We dont need a shade tree (probably that was obvious. Not always, but usually. You might try leaching the chlorine out of the soil by giving it a long watering with regular water. I will be planting your suggested trio this spring. Thank you, Elizabeth. I cant speak from personal experience about my own Sharwil trees because theyre too young, so this guess is based on what Ive seen in others Sharwil trees in Southern California. Which order would you recommend from the equator to the pole? Please keep it up. Thanks again. The Kona Sharwil Avocado is a pear-shaped fruit that is green when ripe. GEM trees are a bit hard to come by, unfortunately. You can go two ways about it. This is one of the "classic" avocados. Im in Ramona, which calls itself the Valley of the Sun, and its not too different here. Which town or area are you in? by Laurie Meadows. In fact, Hass also produces more reliably than Fuerte in most places. I love your articles!! Ill be back to study more and update you with my progress. ), (See more about Fuerte in my post, The Fuerte avocado tree: a profile.). I have Lamb, Pinkerton, Reed, Mexicola Grande, Hass, Holiday and Ettinger. 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sharwil avocado vs hass