saturn conjunct ic transit

When Saturn conjuncts your Midheaven it's also forming an opposition to the IC which means the foundation you built around 14 years ago, when Saturn entered your 4th house, will come under . and my husband almost didnt get his green card for the government. I am more than halfway through & ok but definitely transformed & it has become the pathway to my new vocation moving forward. Right now I am working out how to draw on this, make what I say and write more authentically mine as I work with new graduates. Shedding unnecessary stuff within oneself. Saturn transiting the nadir is animportant transit. In fact, its 2business ideas one has 2 spin-offs to make the 4. This is not necessarily a negative thing for you but some expectations could be involved here. I also had the NN return at that time, in my Taurus 1H! Karmic indeed. I have 25 Sagittarius on IC. Transit Saturn is approaching this aspect. . I just posted that the light bulb went on when I did my dwads and woke up to the sextile that my North Node (the dragons head) makes to my IC. The house of the conjunction gives more information about in which area it manifests primarily. By ASTROFIX ASC DESC MC IC A nchored at the core. ( nature; neptune in sage) . Moving home? My family had to go through almost breaking apart because of my husbands legal status. Family struggle was a theme. It looks as if you have been climbing the mountain for a long time and finally you can reach the peak. I was working on a construction contract on the coast. If this were the case then it would not be a loss or failure but your experience and achievements would be carried on into a new area of specialization in your career. Havent thouht about uranus and this one is quite a bad boy. I could do with a lucky break. It means hard work and responsibility are your karmic destiny. As far as shes concerned her main concern is her horse and corgis. Start things youd like to see pay off during the Saturn cycle, perhaps? in fact I have an estate agent coming to give me a valuation and advice in mid April which I hope might give me some guidelines on where any money would be best spent . ago Interesting. My moon is conjunct asc. 26 people love it! Looking back, Saturn transiting the 4th, the 5th, times were tough, but thats life. It was the most challenging time of my life. Juno must give me a good not so Saturnian/Capricornian husband. I will always have to deal with the seamier side. The job turned out to be a dud (with a crazy, vindictive boss that marginalised all her staff), and I ended up homeless. I drove off, running away. But luckily neither I nor she is the type that holds on to groudges! Whatever your rhythm when this hits, it's thrown out of whack and you like it. Last year, 2017, transiting Saturn conjuncted natal Neptune on the descendant and squared natal Saturn; I started working as an administrative assistant at an environmental facility of the government. Ill be having it in few years. Chiron was transiting my MC/10H (same area where pluto has been transiting since 2017 till now!) But the past 1 1/2 years have been unsettling as parts of my life I had counted on suddenly vanished. After being severely bullied at school they began writing works of fiction but turned to crime when they started experiencing criminal tendencies. After they were transferred from Broadmoor to a clinic, Jennifer could not be roused. In June 2012 VenusRx occulted the sun in Gemini 2degrees from my natal sun, in 2019 Mercury occulted the sun in Scorpio and my rising degree was in the Rx zone. . Is she Out? Divine timing . The event that happened, the horrible repercussion, and the coverup story. Thanks, Hi Anne: Saturn Opposite Midheaven Natal and Transit, Saturn Conjunct Midheaven Natal and Transit, New Moon February 20, 2023 New Beginnings, Saturn Opposite Midheaven Natal and Transit. Saturn Conjunct Natal Midheaven This transit means important life and career achievements and recognition. Cant say its been a bag of goodies,a financial betrayal by a family member for one, but good riddance and Truth I can see the benefits with opened eyes & opened heart. To have Saturn and Jupiter activate my IC is music to my ear. This Saturn transit is good to me. Now I have Saturn hitting the fourth in my solar chart along with Pluto and the home I need to sell needs lots of work. Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings. Saturn in my 4th house had a lot of ups and downs. I have no idea if I manage yo change something during these 3 months of the transit that are left, but what is really sad that I dont feel I can and want to change the current situation. Correction: On the other side that eclipse happened so close to my natal MC at 27 of Cancer with the transiting North Node at 26. I recommend you examine Saturn sun people Look at celebrities with it Read about it I have Saturn square the sun with moon scorpio and Saturn conjunct the moon. I will be writing it up in the next month or 2. Ill be having that soon and Im terrified of it. I am blessed to still have both my elderly parents living independently in their own home but Im aware that this transit could bring changes there also.I would dearly love to move back up North closer to my children & grandchildren but money (cant sell my home due to contamination)& being available for my aging parents are issues. Again, there is so much fear expressed in some posts. This time will be especially significant the older you are. Hi, I have Sun at 16 Aries too, with the added joy of Saturn being conjunct at 15. . IC joined by Pallas Goddess of strategy and (Juno). You can see, in both cases, it takes a lot out of a person. I feel homesick for my ex, his kids, our dog, and the life I had. I just thought it would be good to experience on-campus living for at least a year, but I decided it wasnt worth the money to do so in the remaining years. Saturn conjunct Pluto is our aspect for today, so let us tell something more about this ambiguous aspect. Read more to see how Saturn affects you as it transits your natal houses. I got relationships that brought out my hidden blocks and hindrances for me to see and acknowledge. The only event I can associate with this period was deciding to fold the writers group I started a couple years previous. I just did not get it. I started going to another group. Jan 28, 2021 #1 Hello! I just switched from sidereal to tropical. How are you doing three years after? Mine is unsuspected as well. I started my teaching career when Saturn was at the bottom of my chart. Interpretation Of Solar Return Ascendant For Each Sign. Pluto has transited my N 4th H, and on its way out to Aquarius, will soon square my N Moon. Ohhh that would be a depth and expansive communicational mind! Checked out this site to review the comments of others on Saturn transiting the fourth, since tr. Saturn is now going through my own 4th house. Detachment and non attachment are great tools in life. So the current Saturn transiting my Capricorn moon means Im mourning those losses, while Pluto conjunct Nadir lets me know something new will eventually be built up if I do the work (Capricorn moon, Venus square Saturn). It has been one of the most difficult periods in my life. Unlike the most popular interpretation of an unaspected planet is that due to a lack of aspects it lacks expression in the person. 01.06.19 As I write, Saturn is crossing my IC (Capricorn 1205)! Youre right. Hardness in the way you interact with the outer world. It was the beginning of a new phase of our family and, fortunately, light as my 4H is 27* Taurus with lots of Gemini and a Gemini Mars. It feels as if I went through hell with hope to get to something better on the other side, but ended up up in the same place where it all started. I then moved back to my hometown and received a lot of support and found another job via my hometown connections. I live in a land lease community where there are a number of elderly residents among us. So we always quickly patch things up and move on haha. Saturn rewards hard work and if you feel burdened by karma, it can be paid off in one lifetime too. Technical support Pluto came through first 2014-2017. As a child I would lie in bed watching the roses on the wallpaper turn into malevolent faces as daylight faded; I had to make bargains with . Both have Saturn conjunct their South Node. Anne Whittaker has written about the transits of the outer planets to the IC in a moving way. Im in my 40s too. Angular planets refer to the four corners of the chart, and planets that are conjunct these points are said to exercise a particularly strong influence over the horoscope. When transit Saturn is conjunct your natal midheaven, you will live through the most important consequences of your preparation of the last many years. A voice from within me put in a bid on his house. Saturn Conjunct Neptune Natal Whether it's ideas, music, images, mystical insights, or idle imaginings of your mind, you strive to give form to the formless. I am looking at all my personal and professional resources and thinking about how to contribute professionally (Saturnine structure) over the coming years while being at home with my own need to live a simpler life. The last time Saturn transited my 4th I was forced to move back with my parents due to a strange, difficult to diagnose illness. Taurus rising here, born in 1990. She just told me today that her landlord is selling the home she and her husband have been renting for 4 years. Thanks to both! How apropo for my natal Pluto square Saturn setup. Actually, alongside the process (lifetime) my prevalent thought is that I feel some deep questioning as to WHY these transforming processes come so late in life! Maybe Saturn has got something to say in that too, while hurting my luminaries. Natal Saturn on Nadir.I feel my family doesnt want me.Felt homeless all my life. What happens now will be in accordance with the reality of what you have achieved. While I recovered, Im not sure my mother (IC) ever will. Definitely, I will be moving town to set up my businesses and leave this God forsaken town. Sometimes this aspect can indicate delays in your career but it can also mean great responsibility placed on you from an early age. Skyrocketing cost of living is steering my way sociopaths (total strangers with hidden agendas, hit hard by the PlutoSaturn conjunction austerity measures) who think im going to be part of their Uranus in Taurus triggered changes and adjustments regarding their finances and accommodation. I am not interested in online dating. These phrases relate to the life I live, I am living too small a life, and with a ceiling (of accomplishment) too low. I have a very strong Saturn . Im a cancer sun with unaspected moon. Also very recently, a coming to light of the prospect of a government compulsory land aquisition of between 5ooo & 10 000 hectares of my & surrounding rural suburbs. by Tony Howard Mars buddied up with Saturn in Capricorn at the end of March, and almost instantly I started hearing from friends whose charts are triggered by this aspect. Not much, well as a 29 years old I started University atlast! That's positive!" , , Real Life Saturn transit 12th, Saturn transit 1st, saturn transit ascendant permalink I work here. Pluto conjunct my moon was all about accepting myself (my appearance) and listening to my inner voice. 1. I have saturn conj. I have Pluto at my MC 3 degrees past my MC so there are usually inner world outer /world stories. Now Im too tired and old to get the most out of it. Tr. Saturn has also brought a lot of fight with authorities so I guess Pluto wont be that different. Another person may not have a home to go to. At first, we generally encounter feelings of being thwarted or unsupported by the outside world in the particular areas of life that are ruled by the house. I live in a beautiful yet small 350 sq ft studio underneath my landlords who are nice but loud and it is too small, the ceiling too low. When Saturn hit that point my 94 year old mother became ill and passed away (Saturn was opposing my 10th house Uranus & had just passed the IC). Also had Saturn transit 4th conjunct Moon and opposite Sun/Saturn natal. But we all need to get our living situation straight at some point. Talk about crisis at home and feeling lonely! You can see how Jennifers stronger conjunction gave her a stronger sense of duty, and she did make the ultimate sacrifice in March 1993. It generally marks an emotional low. Sent 3-5 times a week. I ended up moving to my older sisters place (moving home) in Oregon where I am now happily living in a tiny room amidst 7 members of my extended family. I have progressed saturn conjunct natal saturn (exact 1/12/2013), next april transiting uranus is exact conjuct natal sun (at 14 aries in 6th ) and square mc (14 cancer), and in 2013-16 transiting pluto squaring natal sun and . Answer (1 of 3): What a transit will mean for you personally is something for which your natal chart must be analyzed at first and other transits happening must be taken into account as well. The Universe took care of you. I felt the beginnings of the transit in spring of 2017 with some poignant dreams. Even though Saturn is far away from the nadir now, Im having chiron in the 1H in my 2022 solar return its an ongoing story of having to fend off for myself despite the wound (i still cant pay for a house and feel not at home) and the necessity of letting go and letting god. Your experience must be really tough. I dont know what the activation of the IC has in store for me but Im very happy that this transit is happening this year, at this time of the yearafter the activation of my Vertex by Mars in Aries, and at the time when Im ready to take the plunge in 2021. In my case, I feel it was an inward change. At the same time my progress moon is conjuct MC (the other ruler of intercepted Cancer), and is the only planet in earth signs!. I read that for most people this transit means a period of isolation, depression and loneliness. As we approach the end of 2020 I have Saturn transiting my IC in Capricorn which is known as a cold and rigid placement for such a sensitive moon-ruled point. My Solar Return for 2023 suggests that I might move again the next time I have Saturn conjunct my IC. We have three kids and our family had ptsd through it all. It's expressed in the style of whatever sign the conjunction occupies. It also says a lot of things when the aspects are not there. My mother passed as Saturn entered my 4th house. If all the worked out in the end!!! No more details will be given to us until the 2nd half of this year. Only to learn years later that I was on a journey that involved Pluto(chart ruler)-Uranus (at critical 29degrees in natal chart transiting moon sign Aries)-Neptunian(coruler of my North Node with sun NN in the 5th house in Pisces)-Chiron(returning in 2019)-Jupiterian(transiting Gemini my 8th house of death and rebirth). Jupiter is generally thought to rule higher education but maybe the professors are ruled by Saturn. We (4H) moved (Mars) for better schools (Gemini) for the kids and we hosted lots of school-related parties. People will come to you for advice and you may be a teacher or mentor. She was taken to the hospital where she died soon after of an acute heart condition. Loui, Pluto is conjoining my Nadir right now, and Saturn is conjoining my moon in the 3rd. But, right now tr. If you're not a leader, then you likely want to be recognized as one. Jen, Pluto transiting Moon in conjunction is tough. Saturn on my IC and moving through the 4th seems to represent the passing of my mother, the re-location of my son and grandchildren,and the disintegration of my inner skeletal structure, in addition to a renovation or moving of my home. I just became much more grounded and more thoroughly formed as a person. Booooo I am afraid I am sunk. Yes, youre right, very hard to see anything positive sometimes. I had to keep the job no matter what! Pluto in my 4th has been, to say the least, a revelation, forcing me to take off some rose colored glasses. ? There was no evidence of drugs or poison in her system, and her death remains a mystery. Its worth to mention that capricorn is intercepted in my natal chart, so Saturn plays out with less strengh I guess. Transiting Saturn spends about 2.5 years in each house. Like this online, thank you. Venus is square Jupiter natally, and this one trines Mars. Also, the progressed chart moon would be conjunting my progressed IC. Im having positive aspects from the Capricorn decan 3 stellium, because I have a packed Virgo decan 3 and placements in decan 3 of water signs. Venus conjunct the Asc, IC, DC, or MC, signifies a powerful urge to express this planet in life. P.S. Also, is Mars the ruler of Uranus Transit the IC because its in Aries? Keep in mind, once youre on the bottom, you can only come up.. Idk what it means but all I've been feeling is torment. Polly Wallace wrote that 'The IC, the undersky, is reflected by invisible roots that are vital for stability and nourishment. Had to move back home briefly to lick my wounds, but happily moved on to pastures new! So, bad with the good. I felt that he was suffocating me with demands and we just broke off.. Does anyone know what to expect when both Saturn and Pluto simultaneously transit IC? Registered: Feb 2010. In 2021 Im taking the first practical step towards rebuilding my life and this time the structure will be as solid as a rock. Thirty years ago ( 1990-1993) l was also doing total renovations wen partner unfaithful and l chucked him out . Like moving here snd finding a bio unit off kilter with me being targeted by the ring leader. A book which has been helpful for this transit and all things Saturn is Erin Sullivans Saturn In Transit where she addresses the heroic journey as lived through the transits. Thank you for your work , Hi Jamie, I still cant find a page on saturn conjunct IC transit. It was more a process in which I felt like my health and productivity were not measuring up to what I would like them to be and feeling out why what's the cause what's worth aiming for/expecting? I've been back in Brazil for just over 3 weeks and much has happened already, or has it not?! Your head might weigh heavily with responsibilities, ambitions, fears, or a combination of all three. Co vid ( Pluto ) delayed everything, no tradesmen, mercury, no wood, no deliveries, would you believe even no scaffolding ( Saturn) . Saturn Conjunct Midheaven Transit. Now, the youngest is 33 and lives in another state, and the eldest is taking his wife and children and moving from California to Nova Scotia (where his wifes parents live), and my heart is breaking. The native shone in his early home. I took this as a sign that I was ready to proceed, 2020 has been the year of laying the foundation. what do you think? I still live at home with my parents, since Im single, have no job and its nearly impossible finding rent houses in Stockholm! Natal conjunctions by two consecutive full moons one an eclipse cannot count for nothing. 2020 was/is said to be the year of laying foundation and for me it turned out to be exactly so. She was protected by religion just like the sibling who was protected by the coverup (yeah and the covered sibling hides her actions behind the church too). Pluto and Saturn SCARE ME. Sorry for delay reply helen, i didnt receive notification..i imagine your mercury 3rd house with gemini ac is a wonderful combo! He will be crossing for the first time end of January 2019. I have Saturn transit MC and starting the square to my stellium in Libra with Pluto, Sun, Mercury, Venus, Uranus and Lilith. You will have some important duties and responsibilities to attend to which may involve one of your parents. 10 Reply [deleted] 4 mo. Saturn conjunct Chiron natal aspects are connected with low self-esteem and an inner expectation to accomplish a lot. Beautiful_Light Moderator . Hi BPip, I also thought of the queen when I read this!! Your email address will not be published. IC in Capricorn sign of structure, lofty goals and achievement ruled by Saturn. Thank you, Lou. My life would PERHAPS been happier and more successful`, had I had this wisdom (gained) when I was younger. I did live away from home for the first time, during that transit. This represents the summit, where your merits and efforts are recognized. Pluto will reach my Moon in a few years. Contact with Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are felt over longer periods. Take Care, Lou, and be blessed. My IC is at 19Sag07. Libra rising also , It sounds terrifying. Saturn station direct at 25 of Capricorn trine natal Jupiter-SouthNode conjunction at 26 Virgo, opposite MC at 27 Cancer, sextile both North Node at 26 Pisces and Neptune at 26 Scorpio. You're not the first person to make a string of bad decisions. The South Node (dragons tail) trines my IC and sextile my MC. I know its in Taurus from the Saturn returns. However, somehow I feel that some themes of the time Pluto was conjunct my Moon, are re-occurring but on a higher level. The issues before me at this present time are contaminated water via the defense force RAAF base near my home & a compensation case I am involved with because of it. Ultimate Bulletin Board 5.46a, Powered by Infopop 2000 Best everyone! I am aqua. A work in progress. Loads of questioning my past choices that got me to this point, and it is a struggle to be positive in the present, but Im managing, if anyone reading this is wondering if this transit is subject to coping. I am now selling because it is too large for me with my Mom passing this year and my kids moving on. Its a combined blessing and burden to have an unaspected planet. My progressed to natal chart for January 26, indicates that the progressed moon would be conjunct my natal 5th house cusp. I was in the same boat professionally, knowing that Im qualified and intelligent but going nowhere. Even with achievement and success, this aspect can bring criticism from your parents and the public as well as notoriety. They were both admitted to Broadmoor Hospital where they were held for 11 years. Homesickness certainly fits. I mean, Pluto transiting 4th can really prevent to sell a home?? thus opposite saturn so it was all very painful in both fronts. Or just not being able to come up and being forced to stay at that bottom. If that eclipse at 0 of Cancer so close to the NN, square my natal NN, counted for something, the full moons in Capricorn and Aquarius have to count for something. It is not going to be easy at all. It will be interesting, to say the least, when Saturn and Pluto and the sun meet on January 12, 2020 at 22Cap45 (in my 4th house but on the cusp of my 5th at 23Cap19). They were known as The Silent Twins because they only communicated with each other. I was not open to that happiness, though. It hurts me to see that. Whatever ends needs to go! Comparing oneself with others is bad, yes, I know. My very first Saturn IC transit brought me a 85 year old nun they pulled out of retirement to teach one more year. As Transiting Pluto conjuncts my Venus I am experiencing many changes in my life due to my marriage. With Saturn conjunct Ascendant, you may feel that the Universe holds you back in life. Evolution is a hard and long journey psychos and socios know that thats why they resist it while expecting to reap the benefits. ), Im expecting all of that to explode soon. Im hoping Saturn will come through and help to build a new foundation and sense of home. Thanks again for sharing our thoughts and experience. Transit Saturn conjunct Ascendant. Im hopeful, as Jupiter will be coming through in 2020. Sign up for my free newsletter offering astrology forecasts, tips and tricks! It can be quite hard, but through these hardships ideally you learn to work together and find joy despite the adversities. . I hope so, and I am taking brave steps. And since Saturn is a slow moving planet, changes and effects these aspects bring lingers a long time. Its a lifetime process. April 10, 2018 at 9:38 pm. Saturn still exact on mercury. However, it is now taken as a separate and specific aspect. As Saturn will spend about 2 years in Aquar. During their stay in the hospital, they began to believe that it was necessary for one of them to die, and after much discussion, Jennifer agreed to be the sacrifice. Yeah agree. Saturn conjunct north node transit is a lesson to be learned for several months. MC thankfully not exact! It will arise out of the ashes like the phoenix as Pluto hits my Venus 29 degree cappy. Fearful thoughts create fearful expectations. . Pluto is soon squaring my Moon, and I fear it will be tough. I have been following your insights for quite a while! Just had Saturn transit 4th, pluto conjunct my natal moon last month and now Pluto is squaring my sun, a few years ago the Taurus opposing my sun, Venus, Mars was rough! Mars opposite Saturn:This transit calls for caution, diligence, and responsible behavior. 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Coming through in 2020 with others is bad, yes, i have Saturn conjunct Ascendant, may! Me it turned out to be the year of laying the foundation and! Of whack and you like it transit IC consecutive full moons one an eclipse can not count nothing... Received a lot out of the conjunction gives more information about in which area manifests...

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saturn conjunct ic transit