advantages of line organisation

Definition, Types, Adopting Reasons, & Pros/Cons, What is Growth Strategy? The reactions of subordinates also reach top management in a short span of time. Often the managers are not able to communicate the job roles to the employees. (4) Line Manager may Take Decisions Arbitrarily: A line manager has authority to make decisions. We use cookies to personalise content and ads, to provide social media features and to analyse our traffic. Line organisation has the following features/characteristics: (i) In line organisation authority flows from the top to the lower levels and responsibility flows upwards. 3. It is the simplest form of organization which is common in small and medium-sized organizations. However, the lack of communication may lead to authority conflict if not managed properly. This can lead to an increased load on the top management to solve these conflicts. A line and staff organizational structure is a variation of the original structure. Under him, there are a number of departments each headed by a department manager. Maintain Discipline 4. A pure line organisation does not exist in modern large industrial enterprises. 1. This means relying a little too much on their individual capability, knowledge and experience. There are no staff personnel to advice line officers. Specialisation: The staff officers concentrate mainly on the planning function and the line officers on the "doing" function. Every person is in charge of all the persons under him and he himself is accountable to his superior only. To give an exact idea of a line type of organisation an illustration of a departmental store will serve the purpose. Accountability This approach makes it much easier to assign responsibility for actions and results. Having a three-way authority system in the company facilitates expansion and growth. From there, it will be communicated down the command-chain to the subordinate in the other department. (iv) Which are engaged in the work which is largely of a routine nature. Organizational structures significantly impact performance and outcomes. Learn how your comment data is processed. If a decision making process involves the consultation of a number of persons then there are likely to be delays in deciding things. In recent years, many have been looking for [Read] about The Concept of Cryptocurrency Staking and Passive Income Options, If you are in the business of running a [Read] about Why Buying Restaurant Chairs in Bulk is a Smart Choice for your Business, In todays digital world, identity verification is [Read] about Top 5 Benefits of Identity Verification, Tampa is home to more than 2.95 million people and [Read] about Choosing the Right Tampa Car Accident Lawyer for your Case, If you are organising and planning an event, one [Read] about Top Tips for the Best Event Staging: Things to Consider, Women are not just nurturers, but also providers. 2. Simplicity. Regulatory compliance means sticking to the laws [Read] about 5 Ways your Company can Achieve Regulatory Compliance. Staff experts in specific areas are incorporated into the formal chain of command. Even within a department, there may be several sub-departments or units. Surajs workplace follows a hierarchy. Line authority means giving the person a particular amount of control for specific tasks. Overload on Managers 2. It allows them to look for plans for the growth of the company. Classical theories of organization associated with Henri Fayol, Frederick W . Another benefit of line organizations is that they tend to be relatively efficient and decisive in their decision-making and implementation. An employee has to involve in various types of works. Hence, this is unstable. But all managers may not be equally capable and committed to their work; those who pass the test, will accomplish their work as desired, but there may be some who may fail forcing the organization to think of giving them specialized training, or find replacement for them. The staff personnel does not supervise the line officers. It creates confusion among the employees, and they may double-perform a task or miss some. Even the workers at the lower level can understand the structure of this organization. Some of these drawbacks have been discussed here: In line organisation too much is expected from executives. Sound Decisions: In this type, the decisions are made by experts and hence, there is a possibility of making sound managerial decisions. Required fields are marked *. Due to the one head-made decision, it may be unfit in some cases, thus the performance may be inefficient. (iv) Advice given by the staff is not always sound. Or, airlifting Indians from strife-torn foreign countries (remember, Libya and Afghanistan). is the oldest form of organization. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. are made as it is in the case of a ladder. Each person in the organization structure has authority over subordinates holding positions lower than him. (iii) There is clear-cut identification of authority and responsibility relationship. Unity of Command: Since the workers are responsible only to one superior, unity of command is made possible. The clarity of authority and tasks within the company introduces discipline. BusinessManagementIdeas.Com. All departmental heads try to run the departments in their own way and according to their suitability. All the departmental managers enjoy equal status and work independently. It does not make provision for staff specialists. Thus, they lose their capacity for independence thinking. Economical: Of all the systems of organization, it seems to be more economical because it is less elaborate and less complicated. Lundy, It is characterised by direct lines of authority flowing from the top to the bottom of the organisational hierarchy and lines of responsibility flowing in an opposite but equally direct manner.. However, authority does not always translate to effectiveness. The lack of managerial specialisation is the demerit of line organisation. Unity of command supports settling the duty in the line organization. However, it should be remembered that it works best in small and medium-sized companies. All persons at the same level of authority should be independent of one another. Each department is under the control of a departmental head who is completely responsible for organising the department. For example, if the production manager bypasses the foreman working under him and gives instructions directly to a machine-man, he may put the machine-man in a difficult position of being accountable to two superiors at one and the same timethe foreman and the production manager. It ensures appropriate decision-making for the betterment of processes within the company. So, there is a lack of stability in enterprise performance. Line officers should give due consideration to staff advice. What is line and staff Organisation? Line organization has direct vertical relationship. While they work on expanding the unit, the officers can plan for the future. The simple organization is economical in operation. There is scope for favouritism. The lower level officials do not show initiative in suggesting new things. There are fixed responsibilities so theres little to no room for error. Again, even within a department, there may be several sub-departments. Reference for Business: Line-and-Staff Organizations, Advantages of Line and Staff Structure Organization, Disadvantages of a Line & Staff Organization Structure, Organizational Structures in the Workplace, Features of the Line & Staff Organization Structure, Forms and Characteristics of an Organizational Structure. There may be managers who can plan excellently but are poor in translating their plans into action. (a) Overloading The chief disadvantage of the system is that under it too much is expected of the person in authority. Content Guidelines 2. Advantages of a Line Organization Simple to work Economical and effective. When the planning and execution job roles are separate, more employees get the chance to showcase their talent. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. The first and foremost advantage of line organization is that it is very simple to understand and implement in the organization and hence there is no need to give extensive training to employees about the structure of the organization as all employees will know that flow of authority will be in a line and that too from top to bottom so there is We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. This may become the reason for lack of co-ordination among different departments. Line structure and line and staff organizational structures are two basic organizational structures. (b) Fixed Responsibility Every member of the organisation knows his exact function, to whom he is responsible and who are responsible to him. Thus, the line type of organisation forms a line from the very top to the bottom of the organisation structure. 3. A departmental head receives orders from the general manager and passes them on to his immediate subordinates. (viii) Each department is self-contained and works independently of other departments. Conflict between Line and Staff: One more important disadvantage is the conflict between the line and staff officers. Strong Discipline- Because of direct authority-responsibility relationships, discipline can be maintained more effectively. (ii) Where the work is of a routine nature and the methods of operation are simple. Among the advantages of a line structure, experts most often include: clear division of authority, competencies and responsibilities; employees are accountable to one person - the manager; possibility of quick interaction between employees and management; maximum speed of execution of orders; (b) The methods of operation are straight and simple so that the management, with the help of automatic machinery, can conduct its operations without depending much upon the intelligence of foreman; (c) It is not difficult to handle problems pertaining to the labour management; and. Change is ever-present in the business world, and organizations without a process or plan for managing it often struggle to keep up with today's frenetic pace. For example, a production officer may allow the production supervisor to take care of another aspect outside his job description. They are bound to follow instructions from their superiors. These cookies help provide information on metrics the number of visitors, bounce rate, traffic source, etc. vi. Conditions for Success of Line Organisation 3. Therefore, it is unsuitable for large-scale business enterprises having modern business activities. At each level, the superior makes decisions within the scope of authority derived by him from his own boss. Another way is by seeking . So it is unfit for todays business environment that requires innovative organizational structures. There is no complexity in the organisation because every person is accountable to only one boss. (v) Scope for Favouritism- Since the departmental head is almost all-in-all for the activities of his department. You have to be mindful of the levels of management when you want to communicate or exchange ideas. It is also worth mentioning here that the co-ordination on the basis of cooperation is rather enforced by the supervisor who will be in charge of two or three units. Line managers compose the chain of command, and are responsible for directing, motivating and supervising employees at all levels of an organization. Experienced employees with specialized knowledge are given functional authority in the organization. is a meeting room for employer and employee that will help you build positive employer branding or get your dream job. Each man will, more or less, have the same kind of work to perform up to the higher levels. Image: Departmental line organization chart. This is the simplest and the oldest type of all organisational forms and is popularly called or known as military organisation. Line structure the simplest of all existing varieties of business management structures. The staff does not have the authority to issue orders to contractors, but has a strong influence on the supervisor. Explore topics such as What is anOrganizational Structure,Types of Organizational Structure,Matrix Organizational Structure,Flat Organizational Structure&Divisional Structurefrom Harappa Diaries and understand how teams functions in your organization. i. Simplicity- Simple to understand and develop. Vertical Organizations A "vertical" company is known for having a large staff of middle managers between the CEO and the front line. The line managers may sometimes ignore the advice offered by staff officers. A manager in a line organization has absolute control over his department of activity. Although there is communication from top to bottom there is usually no communication from the lower ranks to higher ranks and executives. The meaning of LINE ORGANIZATION is the part of a business organization that forms an integrated whole concerned with the production of the goods or services that are the stock in trade of the organization often distinguished from staff. (iii) Line organization is not suitable to big organizations because it does not provide specialists in the structure. Merits of Line Organisation: The line organisation has the following good points: 1. Simplicity: This system is very simple and can operate very easily. By providing staff managers with total authority in particular areas, line managers have more free time to focus on their main task: overseeing and facilitating the employees under their authority. Advantages of Line and Staff Organization, Disadvantages of Line and Staff Organization. 3. Moreover, an employee knows to whom he/she is responsible and who are responsible to him/her. This reporting structure has distinct advantages, such as relieving upper-level managers of the responsibility for making low-level decisions and allowing lower-level managers to . A line organization is hard put to find managers who are good at both, planning and execution. All the staff members of the organization clearly understand the their jobs and responsibility easily. It does not store any personal data. Direct Communication: As this system enables direct contact between the superior and his subordinates, direct communication is made possible. A group of employees is controlled by one individual. First, commands should be given to subordinates through the immediate superior- there should be no skipping of links in the chain of command. Line organization structure is also known as a simple organization or military organization. Each position in the organisation structure has authority over its lower positions and similarly, each position derives authority from the one above. Managers have to involve themselves in jobs of different nature. Finding out your culture fit can help you thrive in the workplace. What is Strategy Implementation and How To Implement it? Management should not ignore the guidance and development advice offered by functional officers. As a manager, hes the one who has to communicate the CEOs orders to the assistant manager. 1. Your email address will not be published. (vi) Flexibility Since each executive has sole responsibility in his own position and sphere of work, he can easily adjust the organisation to changes in the business situation. Lack of Specialization 3. There are many advantages to the functional organizational structure: It Develops Specialist Employees When companies use a functional organizational structure, groups of employees with similar skills and knowledge are grouped together. With Characteristics, Types of Line Organisation, Advantages, Disadvantages and Suitability, (ii) There is concentration of authority at the top. Some of the advantages of implementing the matrix organizational structure include: 1. Advantages of Line Organization Below are some merits and advantages of line organization or vertical organization 1. As such, they can not devote sufficient time to creative functions. There is also a lack of grooming the new persons for taking up important work. This helps an executive to learn many things and develop his capabilities. Specific people in a department are allowed to utilize their expertise in the functioning of the organization. The operation of line organization is very simple. 4. Department Managers Function Independently of One Another: All department managers enjoy equal status and authority; also, they function independently of one another. The managerial growth also suffers because lower level persons are not involved in decision-making process. document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. (vii) There is a hierarchical arrangement of authority. The concept of line organization holds that in any organization derived from a scalar process, there must be a single head who commands it. Disadvantages of Line and Staff Organisation. In spite of these drawbacks, the line organisation structure is very popular particularly in small organisations where there are less number of levels of authority and a small number of people. It gives complete control to the top hierarchy, exhibiting authoritative leadership. (5) Co-ordination between different units is being achieved by co-operation between departmental heads or executives responsible to conduct different units. What are the advantages and disadvantages of line and staff organization? Employees are fully aware of the boundaries of their jobs. Overloading: The success of this system largely depends upon the ability of the top executive. He lost his job after the pandemic and took initiative to make a team and start the project. You consent to our cookies if you continue to use our website. Advantages of this structure may include: Fosters open dialogue Flexible workplace environment Disadvantages of this structure may include: Leadership confusion Conflicting leadership loyalties Potentially more costly Roles may not be clearly defined Potentially heavy employee workload What are the benefits of organizational structures? Line and Staff structure provide three kinds of authority within the organization. Therefore, they can proceed their work without any confusion or misunderstanding. The line authorities and higher management make decisions after considering the suggestions of functional officers. Every person is accountable to only one person i.e. Each foreman works independently, without any formal line of authority or responsibility with other foremen and takes orders from his superior or superintendent to whom he is directly responsible. Since the manager has to take all important decisions, he can make changes if new situation warrants. As a result of this direction, guidance and restraint are easily achieved in this type of organisation. 5. Among the advantages of a line structure, experts most often include: Among the disadvantages of the line structure, it is primarily indicated: A linear organizational structure is therefore simple, easy to understand and transparent to all its participants. In the words of J.M. David Ingram has written for multiple publications since 2009, including "The Houston Chronicle" and online at It is not possible to achieve the advantages of specialisation in all fields. (iii) As staff officers are specialists only in a specific area, they cannot see the whole picture objectively. It is the simplest form of organisation structure and is also known as scalar or military organisation. Staff managers, on the other hand, sit outside of the official hierarchy, and are tasked with autonomously overseeing a particular function, such as tax accounting. However, there is a risk: in this structure the functions of managers sometimes overlap and when a problem arises it is difficult to determine whose fault it is. It is primarily used in companies that deal with complex projects, problems, and programs which require input from a wide variety of skillsets that are often spread across the business. specific scope of duties, powers and responsibilities, as well as required qualifications. Ideally, it distributes the power, supports knowledge sharing, and encourages employee accountability. Thus, this system may encourage carelessness on the part of the staff officer. It is the oldest form of organization. 3. WHO IS A STAFF MANAGER? The people may be assigned departments according to their expertise and need in the department. The superior can exercise effective control and supervise over the persons under him. If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. It consists of direct vertical relationships. One of the most important advantages of line and staff organization is that it improves specialization in the system. Line or military type of organisation is the oldest type of organisation. Your email address will not be published. Your email address will not be published. (iv) Staff authorities feel that they do not have authority to get their ideas implemented. Specialisation: The staff officers concentrate mainly on the planning function and the line officers on the "doing" function. Advantages of a linear structure. He knows whose orders he is to obey and to whom he will be accountable for his work performance. Red Tapism and Bureaucracy: Concentration of authority in the hands of a single man shall result in red tapism at all levels. This is the most conventional type of structure, and it is easy to establish and understand. Features of Line Organisation 2. Thus it relates to Jack of All Traders But Master of None. For example, a group of 50 house-to-house salesmen may be organised on this basis. The workers placed under a foreman get all their orders from their own foreman and they have no direct access to the factory superintendent. Encourages Carelessness: As the staff officer is not concerned with the execution of the plan, he may not take proper precautions and care before he advises the line officer. There is scope for favouritism. This avoids all kinds of misinterpretations and ensures peak performance. Simplicity: Line organisation is simple to establish and can be easily understood by the employees. Its like an organizations grapevineyou dont know what youre going to get because information gets recycled at each level. Employees are expected to work on the same tasks without upskilling or learning about other aspects of the business. Although a line structure isnt as common as it used to be, it still exists in organizations that have been around for years. To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. The term Line has been borrowed from the military administration. The officers will have to depend heavily on subordinates for advice. An organisation where staff departments have authority over line personnel in narrow areas of specialization is known as functional authority organisation. 2. It is also easy to explain to the workers. The authority flows from top to the lower levels. Though the term Military Organisation still persists in management writing, the reader should note that it has no relationship to modern military establishment. Due to lack of proper communication, all departments perform jobs in their own style. Enterprises are rapidly transitioning to thin [Read] about A Comprehensive Guide to Enterprise Thin Client Systems. All other types of organization structure have mostly been either modifications of this organization. According to Allen, Organizationally, the line is the chain of command that extends from the board of directors through the various delegations and re-delegation of authority and responsibility to the point where the primary activities of the enterprise are performed.. Demerits 5. Functional officers guide according to need while the line authorities plan and control the activities of the staff. It is shaped depending on the objectives of the company and the units necessary to achieve them. Hierarchy of Authority Levels 7. Existence of superior-subordinate relationship. No, he cannot have any direct communication with the said subordinate. There is a direct link between superior and subordinates. Academic library - free online college e textbooks - info{at} - 2014 - 2023. line-staff organization, in management, approach in which authorities (e.g., managers) establish goals and directives that are then fulfilled by staff and other workers. The higher management can help improve line and staff structure by well-defined job roles and considering suggestions of functional officers. Every organization needs to make practical decisions timely for progress and success. Better Discipline: Balanced and Prompt Decisions: Growth and Expansion: 5. Result- No scope for individual initiative, no offering of comments or suggestions on planning and execution, even no relook at any decision wrongly made. Since they often have expertise in their industry, they can support the work of line employees without close supervision, which is common in line organizational structures. But as between one foreman and another, there is no formal line of authority or responsibility. For example, the production department of a textile mill may be divided into different sections like spinning, weaving, tying, coloring, and finishing, etc. 2. Line or Military Organization: Structure, Features, Characteristics, Merits, Demerits, Suitability and Branches, With Features, Conditions for Success, Merits, Demerits and Suitability, Hierarchy of Authority Levels, Branches of Line Organisation, Merits, Demerits and Suitability of Line Organisation, Flow of Authority from Top to Bottom; Accountability of Each Subordinate, Department Managers Function Independently of One Another, Subordinates can only Approach Immediate Superior, (2) Clear Division of Authority and Responsibility, Line managers are required to both plan and execute the tasks and duties assigned to them. There is a lack of provisions for experts and specialists in the decision-making process. (d) Limited Communication In this type, there is no communication from subordinates upwards and the workers should follow the orders of superiors, without expressing any opinion about the orders communicated to them. On the contrary, project organization structures like the matrix structure distribute power between functional and project managers. The line authority not only becomes the avenue of command to operating personnel, but also provides the channel of communication, coordination and accountability in enterprise. Privacy Policy 9. (e) Discipline Singleness of responsibility and control ensures strong discipline among the employees. A line-staff organizational structure attempts to render a large and complex enterprise more flexible without sacrificing managerial authority. Before uploading and sharing your knowledge on this site, please read the following pages: 1. They are expected to take numerous decisions and supervise the work of subordinates under them. In authority idea of a departmental head receives orders from their superiors lack! Fully aware of the top management in a department, there may be assigned departments according need! 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advantages of line organisation