112th infantry regiment battle of the bulge

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The 3d Battalion (Maj. Harold F. Milton) formed the regimental right, with its companies on both sides of the ridge line. . WW2 Order of Battle Medical Units. Army counterattack against the US Third Army in September, had been to pivot its weight on Ltzkampen in a drive southwestward toward When this was refused the Germans systematically set to work to surround the village; by dark they had ringed Weiler. 110th Infantry Regiment; 112th Infantry Regiment ; 107th Field Artillery Battalion; 108th Field Artillery Battalion; 109th . A Symbol of the Combat Ability of MI Soldiers. The 39th regrouped and turned to assault Holzthum and Consthum in force. Companies E and F dug in on a ridge north of Reuler under a rain of A sharp attack drove a provisional platoon, made up from the 28th Division band, off the high ground to the northwest, thus exposing the engineer line. The final word on the defense of Clerf would come from the enemy. and the few remaining towed tank destroyers of Company B, 630th Tank and maneuver was possible. 124th Infantry Regiment. The mission remained, but the troops available on 16 December were less than half the number promised: one armored division, the 116th Panzer Division, and two-thirds of an infantry division, the 560th Volks Grenadier Division. During WWII the regiment landed in Normandy in 1944, after D-Day, where it became the 112th Infantry Regimental Combat Team (RCT). The advance was delayed somewhat when the grenadiers marched into an American mine field, but by 0800 the leading Germans had reached Marnach. Then as the attack got moving they were raised to lay heavy counterbattery fire on the 229th Field Artillery Battalion (Lt. Col. John C. Fairchild). by CHARLES B. MACDONALD--249--Attack on Vossenack . After years of training, the unit first entered the continent of Europe on the Normandy beaches following the D-Day landing. The 26th Volks Grenadier Division (Generalmajor Heinz Kokott) already was deployed in the Eifel sector of the West Wall adjacent to the Our where it covered not only the XLVII Panzer Corps zone but a wide frontage beyond. Created in late 1917, the 4th Infantry Division served with distinction during World War I.On June 6, 1944 (), the "Ivy" division was the first US unit to land on Utah Beach.Two months later, on August 25, 1944, it liberated Paris.In September, it crossed the border into Germany, fighting in the Hrtgen Forest and in the Battle of the Bulge. Although the 116th Panzer Division losses were moderate, the inexperienced 560th Volks Grenadier Division had suffered an estimated 1,000 casualties-a figure, however, that included the reinforced fusilier company which got lost in the woods southwest of Sevenig and was not seen again for two days. There the infantry driving toward the town of Clerf had been stopped short of their objective. The first American planes arrived at 0935, immobilizing the German tanks momentarily. started a march intended to bring it east of Sevenig on the left of A section of tank destroyers, supporting the forward outpost, was overrun by the more mobile German tanks, but the engineers held their fire for the German infantry on the heels of the panzers and then cut loose, with satisfying results. By the late evening the picture as seen at the division command post had cleared to this extent: the two flank regiments, the 109th and 112th, had lost. The German attack to penetrate the front lines of the 28th Division succeeded on the first day of the offensive in splitting the 112th Infantry from the rest of the division. At one point, after the fight for Kommerscheidt, the regiment was reduced to 300 men. In the center of this thinly held 80-mile front was the 28th Infantry Division broadly stretch across the Bastogne corridor through the Ardennes Forest; a 25 mile frontline. Later the Americans in this sector reported that the attackers must have been "awfully green"-as indeed they were. eager to be in at the kill. The sequence of events in this story of difficulties in command and communication is none too clear, but the VIII Corps commander approved the attachment. The stir and movement in the enemy lines during the two nights prior to 16 December was occasioned by troops moving in and troops moving out. The tank thrust through the 1st Battalion center pushed parts of companies C (a platoon of which had joined the battalion from training), A, and D back through the woods toward Welchenhausen. Across town the regimental headquarters company was billeted in an ancient chteau, now partially modernized but retaining the heavy stone walls behind which, since the twelfth century, fighting men had dominated the river bend and controlled the main bridge site. After the fall of Hosingen the 3d Battalion elements in Consthum offered the last organized resistance in the 28th Infantry Division center east of the Clerf River. From this point the American artillery During the afternoon the Germans pressed The 14th Parachute Regiment, which had been moving slowly westward (the 5th Parachute Division commander ascribed its dilatory movement to the habit of attacking small villages in order to have billets for the cold December nights), entered the fight via a climb onto the eastern ridge overlooking the town. The Fifth Panzer Army Attacks the 28th Infantry Division. The Lead-Up to the Battle of the Bulge. On 15 July 1871, Sheridan Troop (Tyrone) was organized. the road but moving on in the direction of the Clerf. Get Military Unit/Ship Histories and After Action Records (AAR) We offer access to after action reports and operational records from all branches of the U.S. Military. Completely surrounded by the enemy, it had hoped to join the withdrawal of the line companies. Attached below and to the sides of the shield a Silver scroll inscribed "STRIVE OBEY ENDURE" in blue letters. 112th Infantry Regiment. With three divisions, and added corps troops, the XLVII Panzer Corps possessed a considerable amount of shock and fire power. At the crossroads village of Hosingen atop the Skyline Drive, 112th Infantry took up their posts in the . Here Nelson received a message from the 28th Division which ordered the regiment to hold the line LausdornWeiswampach-Beiler, which the 112th Infantry had just abandoned. 28th Infantry Division's 112th Infantry Regiment: Manhay area 30th Infantry Division: Malmdy, Stavelot, Stoumont, La Gleize . The main body of the 1st Battalion was stationed at Camp Taji while the main body of the 2d was stationed at Camp Liberty on the Victory Base Complex. Manteuffel had two armored formations in reserve, the Panzer Lehr Division and the Fuehrer Begleit Brigade.1 These he intended to throw in behind the armored corps which made the first bridgehead at the Our. Thus deployed on the right of the 424th Infantry, the 112th was another piece filling out the fast developing "island defense" of St. Vith. "Rocky" Moretto was one of only two men in his infantry company who . In January 1910, the Logan Guards (Lewistown) were redesignated as Company M, 8th Pennsylvania Infantry Regiment and Company A, 5th Pennsylvania Infantry (Huntingdon) was redesignated as Company F, 8th Pennsylvania Infantry, Company C, 5th Infantry (Altoona) was redesignated as Company G, 10th Infantry, and Company B, 5th Infantry (Bellefonte) was redesignated Company L, 12th Pennsylvania Infantry. On 22 November 1878, the battalion was organized as the 16th Regiment, Pennsylvania National Guard. There the American tank platoon from Company B, 707th Tank Battalion, hit into the German flank while attempting to reach Weiler and, it would appear, caused disorganization and confusion. German tanks opened fire on them, but a direct hit stopped the leading Mark IV, for the moment effectively blocking the serpentine approach from Marnach. A platoon of Negro troops came to the head of the. The total impact of the severe German blows dealt the 110th Infantry in the late afternoon and evening of 17 December was not felt at the division and corps headquarters for several hours. between the two assault regiments. It is southeast of Aachen, Germany.D-Day for the Battle of Hurtgen Forest was November 2, 1944, H-hour was 0900. The battalion commander ordered his right company down to block the paved road from Marnach to Clerf, but this road was in the hands of the 2d Panzer Division, whose tanks were rolling toward wing of the 110th, had been overrun or forced to displace. The 106th Infantry Division took over position for position. The American strongpoints were therefore located with an eye to blocking these entry ways while at the same time defending the lateral ridge road which connected the 110th with its neighboring regiments and provided the main artery sustaining the entire division front. Only Company K in Hosingen was yet to be heard from. of the 2d Battalion (Lt. Col. J. L. MacSalka) assembled in a draw between The units from Lewistown, Tyrone, Huntingdon, Everett, and Altoona were all mustered into federal service for duty on the Mexican border in July 1916. The sector designated for the XLVII Panzer Corps breakthrough was held by the 1st and 3d Battalions of the 110th Infantry (28th Infantry Division), commanded by Col. Hurley E. Fuller. For some reason the bridge was not blown. Only the weakened 1130th Regiment and the division fusilier company, once again in touch with its fellows, were left behind to extend the bridgehead formed at Ouren. Norman G. Maurer, 3 of the 3d Battalion, leading a sortie of twenty men, surprised the enemy and drove him back with very heavy casualties. Sufficient trucks were available to motorize most of the division, but there was a shortage of tracked cross-country vehicles. At night the strip between the ridge and the river became a no man's land where German and American patrols stalked one another. Designated as the 16th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, the unit was mobilized on 28 April 1898 and activated into federal service for the SpanishAmerican War on 10 May 1898 at their mobilization site, Mount Gretna, Pennsylvania. When the 2d Panzer Division was relieved at the end of September its tanks were gone, but there remained a large cadre of veterans who had escaped to the West Wall on foot. This story concerns itself with that period when the 3rd Battalion, as part of the 28th . arrived early in the afternoon but left precipitately, losing one gun Even so, the unit accounted for six tanks on the 16th and broke up two panzer assaults of company size. This experience, events would show, had borne little fruit. and withdrew on foot to Wiltz-the 2d Battalion flanks were wide open. THE ARDENNES CAMPAIGN: BATTLE OF THE BULGE Bull, Harold R.: Papers, 1943-1968 Box 1 Miscellaneous Military Letters, 1 June-20 December 1944 (1) Box 2 Additional Papers, 1944-1948 Collins, J. Lawton: Papers, 1896-1975 . up positions north and east of the town. The 2nd Battalion, 112th Infantry was formed from units of the 104th Armored Cavalry on 01 April 1975. They heard, and duly reported, heavy artillery to the south, they saw searchlights and flames lighting up the sky, but again in the south. He then became the executive officer (XO) for the 16th Infantry Regiment at Fort Jay, Governors Island, New York. This road makes a twisted and tortuous descent to the valley floor, finally crossing the river at the southeastern edge of the town and proceeding, through narrow streets until it emerges on the north. The road net was adequate, although mired by constant rain, but the two forward battalions had to be supplied at night because of German fire. The unit was transported to and garrisoned at El Paso, Texas for training, but was never utilized because hostilities ended. Battle of Wilson's Creek, Civil War, North/South Becker County MN, WW2 KIA The artillery supporting the LVIII Panzer Corps consisted of five battalions plus two Werfer battalions, and a few batteries of heavy guns. Separated of necessity by the width of the front and the requirements of some depth in the defenses athwart the east-west roads, the units of the 110th could offer little reciprocal support against an enemy attacking in any force. Prior to the attack, 83,000 Americans in four divisions (the 28th, 4th, 106th, and 99th) held an 80-mile, thinly stretched line that crossed through . Hitler himself seems to have favored this concept (it is found in the first Fuehrer operations order), but only in the Fifth Panzer attack would assault detachments be found inside the American positions when the initial barrage opened up. on the operations of the two armored corps, the Fifth Panzer Army had been given a small infantry corps of two divisions to flesh out its right shoulder. At least fifteen tanks had been disabled or destroyed on the first day and German sources indicate that this figure may have doubled on the 17th. Lauchert arrived too late to meet all of his regimental commanders, but the 2d Panzer, like the rest of the corps, was already in position to move the moment darkness came. United States Army, Historical and Pictorial Review of the 28th Infantry Division in World War II, 1946, page 16, Learn how and when to remove this template message, Distinguished Unit Citation with oak leaf, "112th Infantry Regiment (Sixteenth Pennsylvania)", United States Army Center of Military History, https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=112th_Infantry_Regiment_(United_States)&oldid=1107738250, Infantry regiments of the United States Army National Guard, Military units and formations in Pennsylvania, United States Army units and formations in the Korean War, Infantry regiments of the United States Army, Military units and formations established in 1878, Articles needing additional references from September 2009, All articles needing additional references, Wikipedia articles needing clarification from February 2014, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0. Finally the Germans took the village, only to be driven out again. At the crossroads east of Eschweiler the Reconnaissance Battalion turned to the left and bore down on Wiltz. But first, they had to win the Battle of the Bulge. A radio message alerted the commander to the danger of a direct approach; so the platoon and some accompanying infantry entered Clerf by a secondary road along the river. This was the last word from Marnach. The company commander withdrew the remaining five tanks on a side road and reached Urspelt, taking position near the 2d Battalion command post.9, The American pincers action had failed to constrict at Marnach. The 1st Platoon of Company I had General Waldenburg committed his infantry here, in the predawn hours, hoping that the 60th Regiment would break through on the right or that the 156th Regiment would reach the river on the left and so secure a bridgehead through which his tank regiment could be passed. . Luettwitz concluded that the Clerf River now would be crossed not later than the evening of the second day. The 2d Battalion manned observation posts and operated patrols across the river but was deployed in a refused position west of the Our. The half-track was demolished, but the field had been exploded and the covering infantry cleared away. He died on Nov. 29, 1944 and is buried at Henri-Chapelle in Hombourg, Belgium. Unit decoration: Presidential Unit Citation, 1623 Dec 1944 112th Infantry, Civil War silver bands: The battalion was activated for federal service in Iraq 19 September 2008, and redeployed back to the States in late August 2009. both the 26th Volks Grenadier Division and the 2d Panzer Division had crossed the river and taken some part in the fight. with an order to hold in essentially the positions which the regiment now occupied. In 1914 the 2d Squadron was assigned to the 1st Pennsylvania Cavalry and Company L, 12th Pennsylvania Infantry was redesignated Troop L, 3rd Pennsylvania Cavalry. The latter was a hard-driving commander, daring and tenacious, and had a reputation of giving help to neighboring formations without debate. After dark on 17 December a captain led in about twenty-five men of Company I from Weiler, after a desperate march, narrow escapes, and an ambuscade. Although delayed by inadequate deliveries of POL and the traffic jam on the damaged Dasburg-Marnach road the entire division, including its tank regiment, assembled on the west bank around Heinerscheid during the night of 17-18 December. Subsequently General Cota ordered them to go to the aid of the hardpressed 110th Infantry. The best troops and newest equipment were placed in the division reconnaissance battalion, heavily reinforced, which was slated to join the reconnaissance battalion of the 26th Volks Grenadier Division in spear-heading the advance once the Clerf River had been crossed. It was accounted the regimental reserve, having fixed schemes of employment for support of the two battalions in the north by counterattack either northeast or southeast. The XLVII Panzer Corps, if all went well, would cross the Our and Clerf Rivers, make a dash "over Bastogne" to the Meuse, seize the Meuse River crossings near Namur by surprise, and drive on through Brussels to Antwerp. During most of this first day of attack the German infantry had fought west of the Our without heavy weapons, although the bulk of two regiments from. It is impossible. The American infantry had made excellent use of the ground and had held their positions, refusing to buckle under the weight of numbers. Company B, on the extreme north flank, had been forced back into the 424th Infantry area, but about 235 men withdrew cross-country toward Ouren. About 0300 engineers manning pneumatic rubber boats began ferrying the 80-man assault companies and heavy infantry weapons across the river. Only one battery of the 109th Field Artillery Battalion was firing during the morning and it ran low on ammunition. On German operations maps Wiltz lay athwart the boundary which divided the attack zones of the XLVII Panzer Corps and the LXXXV Corps. Summarized in part from an article of the Morning Record. cannon company gunners quickly bore-sighted their pieces, loaded reduced charge, and with direct fire knocked out four of the panzers. The northern regiment of the Panzer Lehr Division, the 902d, made better progress. Only a short distance beyond, at a third block, fire swept into the column from all sides. As each company debarked it marched inland to the line of departure which the outpost force now held close to the American garrison points. corps zone of attack were narrow, twisting, and certain to be muddy; About 1830 troops at the battalion observation post reported that enemy vehicles were attacking with multiple 20-mm. in Wiltz after a rear guard action in Wilwerwiltz. The division commander, officers, and noncoms were veterans; training throughout the division was reported as adequate. The main paved road from Marnach approaches Clerf through a shallow draw, passing just to the south of the little village of Reuler, which perches on the high ground overlooking the river bend. Here in the south daylight patrols also operated to maintain control of the eastern bank, although the main positions were around Lieler and Lausdorn. 16-18 December. 3. But by the middle of December the 110th Infantry had almost a full roster-a roster numbering many men and some officers who yet had to see their first action. On their left German tanks were wiping out the last posts Colonel Nelson decided to pull back through Huldange since enemy tanks were known to be in Trois Vierges. The camp was liberated by the Russian Army May 1, 1945. . [] Despite harassing fire from American guns and mortars the Germans moved swiftly. The units were located in Erie (Co A), Bradford (Co C), Oil City (Co D), Cooperstown (Co E), Franklin (Co F), Ridgeway, Pennsylvania (Co H), Warren (Co I), and Titusville (Co K). Earlier the XLVII Panzer A patrol which had been sent from the 3d Battalion to carry the withdrawal order to the 1st Battalion command post, still holding on at Harspelt, failed to get through. It arrived in Clerf with nineteen medium tanks. But the tactical effect of this artillery preparation was considerably less than the German planners had anticipated. Original WW2 US Army 112th Infantry Regiment DUI Crest Pinback. Hitler had committed Bayerlein's tanks in an abortive counterattack designed to roll up the exposed flank of the American Third Army on the Saar.4 This Panzer Lehr thrust failed, and at the beginning of December Bayerlein's command was brought north to the Eifel district for an emergency attempt at refitting. On the evening With surprise almost certainly assured and the knowledge that the Americans. that a bridge could be in before the night of 17 December. The first word of the approaching enemy reached the 110th Infantry headquarters at Clerf shortly after 0615. The dates of its approval and amendment are also the same. Meanwhile the 39th Regiment, echeloned to the left His appeal for a mechanized division to be given the neighboring Seventh the Fuehrer personally denied.2, The 110th Infantry Sector About 1300 a thick, soupy December fog rolled in on the village. This time the bridge was blown. To some extent, then, Kokott's decision in favor of premature assembly west of the Our had gained ground for the 26th. Their fate is unknown. to bypass Wiltz on 19 December with his entire division but now found that he could not get his regiments back in hand. 20th Armored Division (480th AIR*) 8th AIB Perhaps the Americans had some reason for elation on the night of 16 December, but all knew that harder blows would be dealt on the morrow. This was the end: shots, blazing vehicles, and screaming wounded. The bulk of the 3d Battalion held their positions despite surprise, defending from pillboxes and foxholes. On 18 December what was left of the 110th Infantry was wiped out or withdrew to the west.11 Survivors in the north headed toward Donnange and, with Company G, joined elements of the 9th Armored Division to make a stand. Geilenkirchen intended to erase the salient retained by the Germans initial breakthrough at the Our and Clerf Rivers, but rather how to If anyone has information about Fred or his division please contact me. Across the Vesle was the larger town of Fismes headquarters of the 112th Infantry Regiment, 28th Division. The telephone wires connecting the American-held villages were shot out in the first few minutes and Fuller could not reach any of his battalions; artillery radios, however, continued to function. It was his intention, however, to move the provisional battalion first, leaving the 3d Battalion to keep the escape exits open while the 44th Engineers acted as rear guard. When the 28th Division arrived on the VIII Corps front in mid-November its regiments were in pitiable condition. Schoppen, Belgium, the 16th Infantry Regiment's first objective after going on the offense during second half of the Battle of the Bulge. Company L, on the western side of the ridge at Holzthum, reported figures in the half-light but, peering through the ground fog, which clung all along the division front, could not be sure whether they were American troops passing through the area or the enemy. One battalion of armored infantry was given bicycles, and would move so slowly through the mud and over the hills that its function during the drive to the west was simply that of a replacement battalion, feeding into the more mobile units up ahead. But the credit side of the ledger showed a few entries. The 3d Battalion then crossed the river farther to the south, circled and finally dug in along the OurenWeiswampach road, where its flank would be covered by the refused line of the 2d Battalion. 3d Battalion sector, compressing the American companies in the village In fact the troops of the 26th Volks Grenadier Division sent against Wiltz from the northeast were acting under orders to protect the flank and rear of Panzer Lehr against possible American counterattack from the Wiltz valley. Descent to the town and its bridges is made on this side by two winding roads. 113th Infantry Regiment. Then the enemy grenadiers encircled the American roadblock at Urspelt, columns. Thomas G. Bradbeer, General Cota and the Battle of the Hrtgen Forest, Army History, No. On 5 April 1877, Company C, 5th Pennsylvania Infantry (Altoona) was organized. After the D-Day invasion of Normandy on June 6, 1944, Allied forces advanced east through France to Germany's western border establishing what became known as the "Western Front." This vertical front-line stretched from the Norwegian city of Nijmegen in the north all the way to Switzerland in the south, cutting through Belgium and Luxemburg. 123th Infantry Regiment. east. This battery was driven from Buchholz with the loss of half its howitzers. Battered and fatigued by weary, bloody fighting in the Hrtgen Forest, the 28th Division came into the quiet front on the Our during mid-November. Only one man escaped. The company from the 60th ran into trouble almost immediately when it was immobilized in some woods northwest of Berg by flanking fire from Heckhuscheid, in the 424th Infantry sector. When orders finally arrived to hold in place, the 3d Battalion had reached a trident crossroad southwest of the town. Through the early hours of 17 December American outposts reported sounds of tank movement in Ltzkampen. A platoon of self-propelled tank destroyers had This place is not healthy anymore.". All this gave the 112th Infantry a chance to get its breath on 18 December. The 229th Field Artillery Battalion was emplaced behind the north flank near Welchenhausen on the German side of the river. The German infantry on the north side of town aligned for the assault about 1400. This had been accomplished by noon on the first Po Valley-Manassas-Antietam-Chancellorsville-Gettysburg-Atlanta-Fredericksburg-Vicksburg-Wilderness-Spotsylvania-Cold Harbor-Petersburg-Appomattox-Virginia 1861-South Carolina 1862-Mississippi 1863-Tennessee 1863. It was amended to show additional war service on 29 August 1951. Company C was in "reserve" in Munshausen. First the Werfers and guns pounded the front line, particularly the 1st Battalion positions. The Battle of Hrtgen Forest (German: Schlacht im Hrtgenwald) was a series of battles fought from 19 September to 16 December 1944, between American and German forces on the Western Front during World War II, in the Hrtgen Forest, a 140 km 2 (54 sq mi) area about 5 km (3.1 mi) east of the Belgian-German border. To the east, at Dasburg, the German engineers were straining to finish the tank bridge which would bring the German armor into play. A secondary road, on the right of the through highway to Bastogne, approaches Clerf from the hamlet of Urspelt. Battle of the Bulge CD 2 749 Pages - PDF . However, if it were not . Of Aachen, Germany.D-Day for the 26th 1877, company C was in & quot Moretto... Crossroad southwest of the hardpressed 110th Infantry place is not healthy anymore. `` driven! 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Tracked cross-country vehicles its approval and amendment are also the same short of their.! ; in Munshausen Clerf shortly after 0615 reported sounds of tank movement in Ltzkampen would come the... Garrison points with three divisions, and screaming wounded at 0935, immobilizing the German planners had anticipated his company! Infantry cleared away an American mine Field, but by 0800 the leading Germans reached. Favor of premature assembly west of the Our encircled the American garrison points that he could not get his back!

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112th infantry regiment battle of the bulge