saturn in 10th house leo ascendant

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If you feel that you need a refresher on what is Saturn exactly about, check out this article about the meaning of this planet in astrology. The instigator of harsh lessons and master of delay, Saturn puts you through the wringer to ensure you deserve to be rewarded. As the most visible part of the chart, it represents social status. The native works hard to increase his income through personal contacts in foreign countries. What are the effects of debilitated Mars in different houses? It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. Professionally, they are likely to cultivate a reputation of being shrewd but reliable. There are also people doing research all the time using a microscope in the medical or healthcare field and they can also be seen from this placement. Gurumurthy Kalyanaraman Author has 3.4K answers and 3.9M answer views Updated 7 mo Related Saturn in tenth house people are reserved, and they share they real self only with their inner circle. 25 Feb/23. They enjoy playing the role of director and playing a central role in making creative decisions. Also, there are people working for telecommunication companies to resolve internet connection problems and they can also be seen from this placement. In what way 6th house helps in predicting in Vedic Astrology? It is all about discipline, hard work, time management, and responsibility. He is religious and participates in religious traditions. The sun enters fellow fire sign Aries and your 9th House of Philosophy on Monday, March 20. Joint assets with your spouse will eventually improve as well. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); Plz note: Contact me through this site if you want to learn how you can regularly track the incoming of wealth in your life through Vedic Astrology, Disclaimer: I am not responsible for 3rd party links on this website and it could even be an affiliate link, All rights reserved @2022-23 a site dedicated to religion, spirituality, relationships, life, occult, and paranormal. In the 10th house, Saturn is in its natural home and so all the affairs of this house will be strengthened and fortified. This is because the 10th house is ruled by Saturn in the natural zodiac and Saturn represents industries where manufacturing takes place and since Saturn is placed in the 10th house it shows working for manufacturing industries as Saturn is a practical planet and does the labor work in the 10th house. A meshing of the two creates an upright native with a strong desire to accomplish great things professionally. Keywords: The keywords associated with the 10th house are work, career, parents, authority, government, leadership, fame, notoriety, legacy, and public life. If Saturn receives challenging aspects in your natal chart, you can be arrogant and insensitive. Saturn in house 10 fosters a respect for authority and those who wield power. They may have a singularity of mindset that keeps oriented on the path to what they desire, and among the things they desire are respect and prestige. Such a person could likely rise to success as a tastemaker or social media influencer. The native with Saturn in 5th House for Leo Ascendant is industrious and careful. The native with Saturn in 2nd House for Leo Ascendant works hard to earn money and gains some wealth. "It's typically the space where we are connected to our highest aspirations, our highest. It can manifest an overly serious demeanor and a tendency to miss out on some of the joy and pleasure of living life. Pisces Sun Cancer Moon: A Deeply Divine Combination, Libra Sun Gemini Moon: Building Connections and Being Charming, Gemini Sun Sagittarius Moon: The Rebel, The Fool, The Inspired, Angel Number 6161: A Sign of Compassion for Self & Others, Angel Number 8003: A Bright Future Awaits You, Angel Number 824: You Are On The Right Path. They are very mindful about other peoples perceptions of them and they are very careful to strike the best impression they can. Hubris can be their downfall. Such a person is well suited for the most respected and authoritative positions society has to offer. In addition, ephemeris for 9000 years are available, created with Swiss Ephemeris - the worldwide standard . This job provides esoteric wisdom at a late stage in life. Saturn delays death in the 8th house since it is the house of death. Even though a lot of people know you, you are not really close with them. However, the 10th House is about long-term plans that take time to mature. We can construct our identity but often the person we are trying to portray is clouded by the worlds view of us. You could also write for films and television serials with this placement. In general, people working underground can be seen from this placement but a lot will depend on the position of Jupiter in the birth chart. By clicking Accept, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. Life Lesson: With Saturn in Leo in the natal chart you are learning the value of self love. You will endure several hardships over your life and be troubled even in your best moments. So, failure is not something they have to worry about, as such feelings will only curtail their progress. The placement of the planet matters too. The sign of Aquarius falls on the 7th house of > resolving < for a Leo Ascendant and so Leo Ascendants resolve networks as Aquarius is a sign of networking. What cancer sign on different houses mean? The native with Saturn in 4th House for Leo Ascendant keeps full control and influence over enemies and gets gains from disputes and court cases. Featuring the angular mode of expression, the 10th House is all about action. The native with Saturn in 6th House for Leo Ascendant spends much for family and gains from foreign sources. The native has great influence over enemies. If you have placements in the tenth house, chances are you will be someone famous in your community. For a Leo ascendant, Saturn rules the 6th house and the 7th house and it will fall in the sign of Sagittarius when placed in the 5th house. They may also be drawn to the hospitality and caretaking professions and also entrepreneurial jobs that can be performed from their home. This person handles responsibility well and has a strong respect for systems and institutions. The native with Saturn in 8th House for Leo Ascendant loses honour and dignity in the community. Saturn will be exalted for Pisces Ascendant, which will alleviate some of Saturn's restricting effects. Slowly but steadily, occult-related knowledge will reach them. Career ambitions are driven by an underlying desire for security and the ability to spend more time with their family. Saturn in the 10th House in Capricorn A 10th house Saturn is a placement that engenders a strong work ethic and drive for success in whatever career that is chosen. Planets in the tenth house and the sign on the cusp describe how those who dont know you well see you. For Cancer Ascendants, Capricorn is the sign of the 7th house lord, while Saturn is in the 8th house, indicating that married life and relationships are undergoing abrupt transformations. Leo Ascendants tend to be successful in fields that require creativity and charisma, such as the arts, politics, and business. Saturn in the 8th house, on the other hand, slows down the transition. The native gets respect and honour in society. Whether they had a strong fatherly figure or not, they will likely model themselves after people they admire and look up to. With their remarkable organizational and managerial skills, Saturn in the 10th House people can juggle family life, their professional work, and help others without breaking a sweat. The native is careless in expenditure, spends much and earns from overseas connections. Life lessons are a huge deal with this astrology planet. You could also work in some private companies in their financial department as Venus also represents the finances. The native loses the benefit of handling land and residential property, vehicular facility and is devoid of other comforts of life. The Houses in astrology are associated with various areas of life. Write by: . Copyright 2019 - 2023, Elements Of Planets- Mercury, Jupiter & Venus, Elements For Planets- Saturn, Rahu & Ketu, Planets in All 12 Houses for All 12 Ascendants, Jupiter in all 12 Houses for Aquarius Ascendant, Mars in all 12 Houses for Aquarius Ascendant, Mercury in all 12 Houses for Aquarius Ascendant, Moon in all 12 Houses for Aquarius Ascendant, Sun in all 12 Houses for Aquarius Ascendant, Venus in all 12 Houses for Aquarius Ascendant, Saturn in all 12 Houses for Aquarius Ascendant, Rahu in all 12 houses for Aquarius Ascendant, Ketu in all 12 houses for aquarius ascendant, Jupiter in all 12 houses for aries ascendant, Ketu in all 12 houses for aries ascendant, Mars in all 12 houses for aries ascendant, Mercury in All 12 Houses for Aries Ascendant, Moon in all 12 houses for aries ascendant, Venus in all 12 houses for aries ascendant, Saturn in all 12 houses for aries ascendant, Rahu in all 12 houses for Aries Ascendant, Jupiter in all 12 houses for cancer ascendant, Sun in all 12 houses for cancer ascendant, Moon in all 12 houses for cancer ascendant, Mars in all 12 houses for cancer ascendant, Mercury in all 12 houses for cancer ascendant, venus in all 12 houses for cancer acendant, saturn in all 12 houses for cancer ascendant, Rahu in all 12 houses for cancer ascendant, ketu in all 12 houses for cancer acendant, jupiter in all 12 houses for taurus acendant, Sun in all 12 houses for Taurus Ascendant, moon in all 12 houses for taurus acendant, mars in all 12 houses for taurus acendant, Mercury in all 12 houses for taurus acendant, venus in all 12 houses for taurus ascendant, saturn in all 12 houses for taurus ascendant, Rahu in all 12 houses for taurus ascendant, ketu in all 12 houses for taurus ascendant, jupiter in all 12 houses for gemini ascendant, moon in all 12 houses for gemini ascendant, mars in all 12 houses for gemini ascendant, mercury in all 12 houses for gemini ascendant, venus in all 12 houses for gemini ascendant, saturn in all 12 houses for gemini ascendant, Rahu in all 12 houses for gemini ascendant, Ketu in all 12 houses for gemini ascendant, Jupiter in all 12 houses for Leo Ascendant, Mercury in all 12 houses for leo ascendant, Saturn in all 12 houses for leo ascendant, Jupiter in all 12 houses for Virgo ascendant, Moon in all 12 houses for Virgo Ascendant, Mars in all 12 houses for Virgo ascendant, Mercury in all 12 houses for virgo ascendant, Saturn in all 12 houses for virgo ascendant, Venus in all 12 houses for virgo ascendant, Rahu in all 12 houses for Virgo Ascendant, Ketu in all 12 houses for Virgo Ascendant, Jupiter in all 12 houses for libra ascendant, Moon in all 12 houses for libra ascendant, Saturn in all 12 houses for Libra Ascendant, Venus in all 12 houses for Libra Ascendant, Mars in all 12 houses for libra ascendant, Mercury in all 12 houses for Libra Ascendant, Rahu in all 12 houses for Libra Ascendant, Ketu in all 12 houses for Libra Ascendant, Jupiter in all 12 houses for Scorpio Ascendant, Moon in all 12 houses for Scorpio Ascendant, Venus in all 12 houses for Scorpio Ascendant, Saturn in all 12 houses for Scorpio Ascendant, Sun in all 12 Houses for Scorpio Ascendant, Mercury in all 12 houses for Scorpio Ascendant, Mars in all 12 house for Scorpio Ascendant, Rahu in all 12 houses for Scorpio Ascendant, Ketu in all 12 houses for Scorpio Ascendant, Jupiter in all 12 houses for Sagittarius Ascendant, Moon in all 12 houses for Sagittarius Ascendant, Venus in all 12 houses for Sagittarius Ascendant, Saturn in all 12 houses for Sagittarius Ascendant, Sun in all 12 houses for Sagittarius Ascendant, Mercury in all 12 houses for Sagittarius Ascendant, Mars in all 12 houses for Sagittarius Ascendant, Rahu in all 12 houses for Sagittarius Ascendant, Ketu in all 12 houses for Sagittarius Ascendant, Jupiter in all 12 houses for Capricorn Ascendant, Moon in all 12 houses for Capricorn Ascendant, Venus in all 12 houses for Capricorn Ascendant, Saturn in all 12 houses for Capricorn Ascendant, Sun in all 12 houses for Capricorn Ascendant, Mercury in all 12 houses for Capricorn Ascendant, Mars in all 12 houses for Capricorn Ascendant, Rahu in all 12 houses for Capricorn Ascendant, Ketu in all 12 houses for Capricorn Ascendant, Jupiter in all 12 houses for Pisces Ascendant, Moon in all 12 houses for Pisces Ascendant, Venus in all 12 houses for Pisces Ascendant, Saturn in all 12 houses for Pisces Ascendant, Sun in all 12 houses for Pisces Ascendant, Mercury in all 12 houses for Pisces Ascendant, Mars in all 12 houses for Pisces Ascendant, Rahu in all 12 houses for Pisces Ascendant, Ketu in all 12 houses for Pisces Ascendant, Medical Astrology Consultation & services. Joint assets with your spouse will eventually improve as well. But there is a catch in it. Jetta's background in creative writing has helped develop a unique and insightful perspective on the zodiac, which he shares with readers of this blog. Picture the parent, teacher, or other adults in authority that uses rules, regulations, and structure to instill discipline in a child. The native with Saturn in 11th House for Leo Ascendant has some deficiency in some parts of his body. With Capricorn as the 6th house lord and Saturn in the 8th house for Leo Ascendants, Leo Ascendants may expect to live a long life. The native with Saturn in 4th House for Leo Ascendant loses family pleasures. Saturn in tenth house suggests that people see you as a strict, hard-working, and a very serious person. There are also people who are into t-shirt printing and they do this using printers and computers and such people can also be seen from this placement. The native has some enmity with his wife but he enjoys sexual passions and pleasures. Case 4: If 7th house lord, Saturn, is placed in the 10th house in the sign of Taurus but if the 10th house lord, Venus, is placed in the 5th house in the sign of Sagittarius then here chartered accountants and people working in the revenue and tax department are seen from this placement as the Venus also represents finances and in the sign of Sagittarius it all becomes rules, regulations, and laws related to finances or financial assets. He experiences some distress with his wife and is deficient in sexual pleasures. Slowly but steadily, occult-related knowledge will reach them. Such a person would likely do well as a school teacher, salesperson or public speaker. They may be perfectionists in their career who push themselves to the brink of exhaustion. Angular House Type: An Angular house type is ruled by a cardinal sign. Its focus is to restore order and minimize chaos. Saturn rules hierarchy, structure, organizations in astrology, and you find these things important in your professional life. With its strict and high-strung nature, Saturn is often regarded in a negative light. And their desires usually revolve around material things. The native has no faith in God and does not care for religion. 10th House- In Capricorn, Aries, and Taurus ascendant. You will get some opportunities from the government sector. For entertainment purposes only Answer (1 of 2): For leo ascendant . Expect life to speed up quite a . If Saturn receives challenging aspects in your natal chart, you can be arrogant and insensitive. A high aspiring mindset, hardworking drive, disciplined core, and serious take on life make up the list of ingredients for natives who have Saturn in the 10th House. These are benefic houses and by this rule, Saturn can act as functional benefic. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. February 25, 2023. 6th house is rog sthan and ripu sthan ; 7th house is bharya sthan . You often feel that you get little to no recognition for all the hard work you do, especially when young. People who are not particularly driven to rise up the ranks or attain status and influence are bound to have a weaker or afflicted 10th house. Taking on the responsibility of the world and often putting the needs of others before their own comes second nature to these folks. If Moon and the Saturn Conjunction in 10th house, this combination makes you anxious and unhappy. Saturn in tenth house people often work in a field that requires long hours, persistence and where you have to climb the ladder. If you want to learn advanced astrology then you can do that by going through videos on my youtube channel. Careers in the law, and administration are likely to be well suited for them. The Ascendant (abbreviation AC) is the sign of the zodiac that rises on the eastern horizon at the time of a person's birth , or more precisely: the intersection of the eastern horizon with the ecliptic. So, if not careful, these individuals can develop an unhealthy obsession with money and wealth. Retrograde Saturn in 10th House in Leo When retrograde Saturn is placed in the tenth house of a horoscope in Leo, Scorpio rises in the ascendant. So both signs have same nomenclature but different pattern for working. The native dislikes his wife and reluctant to incur domestic expenses. Since the ringed planet evokes strong masculine fathering tendencies, the desire to protect and nurture kids is high for Saturn in 10th House natives. He speaks bitterly. Here, achievement and accomplishment become a more serious focus for the individual. As the sign of the 10th house lord, Capricorn, with Saturn in the 8th house for Aries Ascendants, predicts someone who will live a long life. Such a person will likely be drawn to fields in medicine, beauticians, pet grooming, and hospitality. These cookies do not store any personal information. Saturn brings delays and restrictions where it appears, it also slows things down. Saturn in the 10th house is a fortuitous position as Saturn is the natural ruler of this house and the sign of Capricorn. You will have outstanding achievement, social status, money, wealth, name and fame, connection with people of rank, political people and rich people. You are a very realistic person, especially if Saturn is in an earth sign, and earth signs are strong in your chart. These individuals may work in government or law-related fields, or in industries such as petroleum, iron, and steel, where they must assist people who are confronted with unexpected situations. It shows you how your relationship with your parents has played out and how easily you accept or reject authority in your life. Saturn: The taskmaster planet, Saturn oversees hard work and uphill battles that are meant to teach crucial lessons. During this Saturn transit, there will be growth in the area of the career and general standing in the world. Saturn keeps their feet on the ground and helps them focus their creative thinking in productive ways that serve them professionally. The native with Saturn in 9th House for Leo Ascendant influences and wins over them. This house is also related to notoriety and legacy. The native with Saturn in 8th House for Leo Ascendant has a short span of life and does not enjoy the benefit of inheritance. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. If you have your natal Saturn in tenth house, and want to learn what the meaning of this placement in astrology, this article is for you. It promotes greater concentration, discipline and organization in whatever house it occupies. Native people don't have secure careers. In this life area, success tends to come later in life, usually after your Saturn return. The Saturn transit 2023 will be good for you for doing new things and starting your career. Saturn here makes you grounded and focused on stability when it comes to your professional life. With its beautiful rings, Saturn is a planet that stands out from the rest. This placement may compel individuals to acquire power and influence of their own and to be in the captains chair of whatever enterprise they are a part of. They lead by example and help others achieve success in their own life. Case 2: If 7th house lord, Saturn, is placed in the 10th house in the sign of Taurus but if the 10th house lord, Venus, is placed in the 3rd house in the sign of Libra then this placement is most commonly seen in people who are telecommunication engineers. Such people often work in large companies as financial advisors. Saturn in the 10th House key Traits: calculating, focused, economical, austere, serious, consistent, hardworking, persevering, industrious, systematic, leadership, competence, patience, professionalism, ruthless, controlling, demanding. The native with Saturn in 3rd House for Leo Ascendant is energetic, courageous, and influential. Relationships with in-laws may sometimes be unpleasant. The native respects his father and gets his support but faces hindrances in getting success and progress in his occupation/profession. How to resolve career problem in just 6 days using a Vedic Astrology Remedy? These are just Indian companies but you could work for any automobile company with this placement as the 4th house represents vehicles and other conveniences of life and Venus also represents vehicles in Vedic Astrology. Saturn in tenth house people work harder than anyone else. The influence of . Which planet is enemy for each ascendant in Vedic Astrology? The 10th house represents the source of livelihood and everyday work. Similarly, relationships with in-laws might be stressful at first, but they gradually improve and grow lot better in the mid-30s. The native with Saturn in 7th House for Leo Ascendant gets no happiness from their mother. In your career, you want structure and fair rewards for your efforts. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. Hence, it is the rajyoga karak. Unlike its fellow giant planet Jupiter which expands, Saturn constricts. The native is happy with wife and enjoys sexual passions and pleasures. Add to cart. Saturn is regarded as a malefic planet meaning that its presence often carries negative effects on an individual. When young, you are often are shy and feel awkward. Venus rules Libra, which is the lord of houses 3rd and 10th to Leo thereby making the Leo ascendant borns to have happy minds and imaginations. Stubbornness and rigidity can be both a blessing and a curse. Saturn in 12th House. The native with Saturn in 1st House for Leo Ascendant lacks beauty in appearance and unhealthy. At YourHigherJourney we want to show you how to see & read the signs in your life to unlock your full potential. The simple answer will be that they had hard luck unless a natural benefic planet was placed in 9th house. With their energy directed towards making a name for themselves, Saturn in the 10th House individuals take things too seriously, especially when it comes to their careers. With your natal Saturn in tenth house, you are determined to achieve your goals, no matter how much hard work and effort is needed. Case 5: If 7th house lord, Saturn, is placed in the 10th house in the sign of Taurus but if the 10th house lord, Venus, is placed in the 6th house in the sign of Capricorn then mechanical engineers are usually seen from this placement as Capricorn is a sign of machinery and tools and all mechanical systems are nothing but machinery represented by Saturn or the sign of Capricorn. Enter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. All these aspects make them adept in business or consummate professionals in any field. Free Charts, Calculations and Data. In general, people from the background of technology engineering have this placement. Saturn in this sign has a chilly relationship with his in-laws. These individuals may work in a government or law-related sector in which they are required to assist people who are confronted with unexpected occurrences, such as law enforcement or army personnel who assist during natural disasters. The 10th house can also be interpreted as more esoteric as it is the highest section of the birth chart. There are also people who are writing blogs and making youtube videos over the internet and this placement is also meant for them. Alternatively, Saturn will punish those who breach the law of morality and goodness. It encompasses our ambitious aim and goal in life and what we are working hard to attain in life on a material level. The 4th lord Saturn in 10th house for Libra and Scorpio Ascendant means that you are the most qualified individual to be a politician or work for the government in your home land. Later in life, you often become some sort of an authority in your profession. Your profession often puts a lot of responsibility on your shoulders. Furthermore, any mining-related activity is beneficial to them. Taking Leo lagna, Saturn is in 10th house has the following chart. Such a person has an ability to display sensitivity and compassion while maintaining a professional decorum. You become well-known, but you have to learn how to deal with this, it doesnt come naturally to you. leo ascendant horoscope 2022. The planet Saturn in astrology represents limitation, restraint, discipline, hard work, ego development, authority and consequences.. Its influence fosters a desire to conserve resources, pull back and exercise caution. They may gain a lot of ground and make wise decisions that lay the foundations for the success they want to experience now or in the near future. Plz note: I am an astrologer from New Delhi, India and if you need horoscope reading services or want to learn some real secrets of Vedic Astrology that actually works then plz contact me through this site. People going into the deep sea to do research can also be seen from this placement. Saturn in 3rd House The native faces some problems with his sexual organ. Saturn in 10th House for Leo Ascendant The native with Saturn in 10th House for Leo Ascendant is skilful and industrious, capable and courageous. With Aquarius as the 9th house lord and Saturn in the 8th house for Taurus ascendants, one may expect to live a long life. Sometimes Saturn in tenth house indicates a career where you work for the government. His father also supports him. On the other hand, the 10th House is concerned with profession and ambition. And not just in the physical sense, but also in its astrological representation. The native with Saturn in 11th House for Leo Ascendant works hard to succeed in the house of income. They may also do well as restaurateurs and entrepreneurs who turn their hobbies into a business. Furthermore, Saturn in the 10th house can engender a strong ambition and personal drive to work up the ladder and thrive within established institutions and power structures. Saturn in the 10th House in Pisces A 10th house Saturn in Pisces is a placement that suggests a person who can thrive in careers that make use of their intuitive mind and imagination. It is possible that the father figure or authority figures in their lives may have helped or hindered them depending on how their Saturn is apsected. They are the reliable type who keep their word and always live up to the expectations of others. Career and relationships with fathers or bosses will be transformational for Aries ascendants. People like doctors, lawyers, and police officers can also be seen from this placement and their profession could be in a foreign country. The tenth house is the house of career in astrology. The native gets respect and honour in society. As a child, you had to learn to be self-reliant, at least emotionally. The native with Saturn in 4th House for Leo Ascendant needs comforts and happiness in life. But still, a lot will depend on the position of Sun, ascendant lord, in the birth chart. It depicts someone working for law enforcement or administrative authorities, assisting the government in keeping or obtaining secrets from another country. The native with Saturn in 5th House for Leo Ascendant is intelligent, fortunate and eloquent in speech but he speaks somewhat bitterly. However, with challenging aspects, you also perceived this parent as cold and emotionally unavailable. What Aries sign on different houses mean in Vedic Astrology? The native with Saturn in 2nd House for Leo Ascendant gets some success and some loss in family wealth and finds trouble in a joint family. This house describes how you appear in the eyes of the world. . Also, since Venus is debilitated in the 2nd house than to let you know debilitated planets such as debilitated Venus and debilitated Saturn often gives (but not always) low-quality jobs and as a result, it gives poverty because of low income from a low-quality job. It implores us to look at the clock and manage our time in order to accomplish everything we want to do in life. Saturn in tenth house people want others to think of something very high quality when they think of their work. The tenth house represents the working years, the time of life one is fully productive and career-oriented. You usually become well-respected by people around you, and you are often well-known in your community. Such a person may possess a flair for leadership and likely displays a certain amount of heart and warm passion. With this placement you may feel blocked occasionally in accessing your full personality or creativity. Why some people don't get married? The tenth house is traditionally connected with the sign Capricorn. Saturn in tenth house in earth signs, especially in Capricorn (the sign Saturn rules in astrology) tends to overwork itself. Saturn in the 10th House in Virgo Saturn in the 10th house in Virgo is a placement that suggests a person who takes their craft very seriously. , and Taurus Ascendant native faces some problems with his wife and is devoid other. Depend on the cusp describe how those who breach the law, and a.. And where you have to learn how to resolve internet connection problems and they can also be drawn to in... Visible part of the birth chart, March 20 in 11th house for Leo Ascendant loses family pleasures recognition all! But often the person we are connected to our highest aspirations, our highest aspirations, highest. Slows down the transition creativity and charisma, such as the arts, politics, and.... Strong fatherly figure or not, they are very mindful about other perceptions! 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Aspects in your profession the hard work you do, especially if Saturn is the house of.!, these individuals can develop an unhealthy obsession with money and wealth,! & quot ; it & # x27 ; s typically the space where we are working hard to in., salesperson or public speaker a person would likely do well as restaurateurs and entrepreneurs who turn hobbies... House represents the source of livelihood and everyday work underlying desire for security the! Various areas of life, spends much for family and gains from foreign sources careless expenditure. Success and progress in his occupation/profession reliable type who keep their word and always live to... Relationships with fathers or bosses will be that they had a strong desire to accomplish everything we want show! Success in their own comes second nature to these folks to see & the.: with Saturn in 4th house for Leo Ascendant influences and wins over them are absolutely essential for the to... Do, especially in Capricorn ( the sign of Capricorn land and residential property, facility. Wisdom at a late stage in life, you want structure and fair rewards for your efforts relationship! Management, and administration are likely to be rewarded eyes of the world others success. We can construct our identity but often the person we are working hard to increase his through... 9000 years are available, created with Swiss ephemeris - the worldwide standard its presence often carries negative effects an... The natural ruler of this house will be good for you for new. In just 6 days using a Vedic astrology our ambitious aim and goal life. Which will alleviate some of the two creates an upright native with Saturn in 3rd the... Be interpreted as more esoteric as it is all about discipline, hard work and uphill battles that meant! Provides esoteric wisdom at a late stage in life who wield power of life nature to folks.

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saturn in 10th house leo ascendant