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("Breaking Glass"), Receiving an urgent call from Emma, Belle tracks down Mr. Gold at the pawnshop and they go to the sheriff station where David, Elsa, Henry, Hook, Mary Margaret, and Regina are also gathered. Mary Margaret explains that her own mother, Queen Eva, caused Cora's marriage to Leopold to fall through, which resulted in Zelena being abandoned. She asks them to give her a chance to talk her son out of his mission, and they agree, but if it doesn't work, they intend to use force to stop Gideon's plans. On one of these days, she has lunch with Leroy at the diner, where Granny brings her an order of pancakes. Belle finds evidence that Mr. Gold was being kept in the basement, and just as Robin recommends searching the rest of the house, Regina receives a text from Henry, warning that Emma is on her way back. ABC Former Once Upon A Time cast member Emilie de Ravin has reached out to fans following the announcement today that she would not be returning for Season 7. Regina decides to find out what Zelena wants by talking to Cora, which is made possible once Belle gives her the now defunct candle to access the land of the dead. Instead, she begins reaching for the conch shell, however, Jekyll smashes it before she can call for Hook. Lauren Ash is embracing her weight loss transformation.. On Tuesday, the Canadian "Superstore" actress took to Instagram to share a sun-kissed, poolside photo of herself posing in a white and green bikini, paired with a sun hat."Thriving," she captioned the post for her more than 282,000 followers, alongside sun and sparkle emojis.. Mr. Gold, insisting he cannot be a hero, confesses to crippling himself during the Ogre war because he was scared of dying. She states that it's important to truly know someone by seeing what's in a person's heart. Hudson originally lost weight thanks to Weight Watchers, and has kept it off long-term by being very careful about what she eats. Once inside, she recognizes a stranger as Hook and runs away, but he blocks her. She insists they were happy in Storybrooke, or they could have been if it was enough for him. Relatives: Yet, when the crystal ball shows him Belle instead, he is shocked as he realizes she is pregnant with his child. Boasting about his bow and arrow that never misses, the thief shoots at Rumplestiltskin, who is hit by the shaft. Belle is handcuffed to a mining cart underground as it sets off on the tracks. While Belle is researching ways to retrieve her lost memories, she wears a dress with embroidered roses, The yellow coat Belle is wearing when she sends, Belle appears in a set of photographs in "The Final Battle Part 1". Later in the night, she and Hook share a glass at the counter. Lacey is simply not attracted to Mr. Gold's nice guy personality and specifies they do not fit together because she isn't Belle. That night, Belle says goodbye to her father, before heading into the car and driving away. Puzzled, the boy informs her that the remnants of Ingrid's magic will keep those who leave town from reentering. The 32-year-old actor was seen carrying a baby carrier,. Belle brings Gideon along to Granny's, where she and Mr. Gold join some of the other heroes for a peaceful supper. Belle grapples with him and eventually frees herself by stabbing him in the neck with a piece of the shell. After Zelena reveals Mother Superior's whereabouts to Regina and Emma, Belle explains to them about what happened with the nun and her role in allowing it to happen, although she is not proud of what she did in order to protect Gideon. Upon seeing ogres that have entered their kingdom's road, Belle suggests getting help from a wizard, Rumplestiltskin, despite the price for magic, as she wants to be as brave as her mother was. There, upon the fall of that city in 1780, he was taken prisoner by the British and sent in captivity to St. Augus tine, Florida. She also tells him off for trying to be someone he is not, and that she can still see him for who he truly is. Pawnshop co-owner (formerly)Librarian (formerly)Castle servant (formerly) Beginning her vows, Belle recalls losing Mr. Gold to darkness, weakness, and death, but has actually spent her life finding him. She began running. After this revelation, Zelena arrives to turn the two into flying monkeys and then immobilizes Prince Charming, Snow White and Regina as a terrified Belle looks on. ("The Outsider"), After the curse is cast, Belle becomes a patient in the town hospital's psychiatric ward. Rebel Wilson weighs approximately 165 pounds - that's 75 kilograms. In tears, she banishes him out of Storybrooke. Belle insists it won't happen as long as she's around, which makes Mr. Gold feel grateful that Gideon has her as a mother since he can't help but think that it is his family's destiny for children and mothers to always be separated. Belle brings up the consequences of his plan, in that he will lose her forever. Knowing of Hades's affection for Zelena, Belle hopes she can persuade him to tear up the contract. Unveiling a mirror, Belle's reflection taunts her about being a coward by having once valued a stone over Anna's life. As she dies, Mr. Gold weeps over her still body. Belle suggests they could test it out by taking out of the tree's branches, but Regina declines, believing they'll have trouble if the branch ends up reverting to one of Merlin's fingers. Later, Belle comes to the pawnshop, where Mr. Gold has brought a comatose Mother Superior. Regina comes in to introduce herself as the mayor. Discovering the symbol's meaning in a book, she phones Emma to notify her that the mark originates from a key to the vault of the Dark One. Satisfied, Regina gives the cup back and leaves to pay a visit to Belle at the hospital, while Mr. Gold remains unaware his lost love is alive. [4], Belle spends her time at a local tavern when she overhears a dwarf, Dreamy, tell his fellow brethren about how strange he is feeling. Calling himself Lumiere, he explains how Rumplestiltskin cursed him after a broken deal. ("Souls of the Departed"), In Mr. Gold's absence, Belle continues with her life in Storybrooke. ("Manhattan"), From her cell phone, she receives a call from Mr. Gold. Checking the backroom, she finds the wooden box missing, to which David forces Cruella to pull over her car so he can search the vehicle. The three return to Emma, with Mr. Gold agreeing to pull Excalibur in exchange for Merida's heart and finding out where her brothers are. Bargaining for information, the sheriff asks to spend a night with Belle, but an impatient Rumplestiltskin rips out the man's tongue. Belle is based on Beauty from the fairytale "Beauty and the Beast"; and on the character of the same name from the Disney film Beauty and the Beast. She hits him with a rowing paddle and runs away to above deck with the shawl, but Hook gets there first. She stays in the elevator until Mr. Gold comes to the library. HMS Curacoa was a C-class light cruiser built. Rather than Cruella, Maleficent demands the gauntlet when Rumplestiltskin arrives. Mount Olympus[1]Her Edge of Realms house (formerly)Her Storybrooke house (briefly)Jolly Roger (formerly)Gold house (formerly)Library apartment (formerly)Hospital psychiatric ward (formerly)Dark castle (formerly)Her castle (formerly) ("Family Business", "Her Handsome Hero", "Out of the Past"), After Belle has grown into a young woman, Maurice tries to interest her in a suitor, Gaston, whom she believes is vain and a notorious womanizer as the rumors say he is. Mr. Gold argues he has defeated Cora before, but Regina reminds him that was during a time he "didn't have anything to lose". She hides behind a bookcase after hearing the elevator come up, but it turns out to be Mr. Gold. Emma tells them of the ultimatum that Gideon gave her: help him kill the Black Fairy or she'll never see Hook again. After the women leave, Belle receives a phone from Emma about Cruella and Ursula's suspicious behavior. Furious at his machinations, Emma threatens to tell Belle everything, unless Mr. Gold reopens the portal to the Underworld so she can save Hook. Belle steps onto a stool as she reaches for the window curtains, and she looks back to smile at her husband before pulling them open, only to lose her balance and fall. Later in the day, she receives an email from an Oxford professor, not knowing it is actually Mr. Gold, who gives her the translation, to which Regina uses the dagger to perform a ceremony on the hat. After witnessing Merida's superb archery skills, Belle is doubtful she needs magic to gain the clans' respect when her physical strength is impressive enough. Belle suggests she can babysit again if needed, though Zelena states that it's not necessary. She fires back by pointing out how afraid he's become because she was so close to winning, and swears to get away from him next time so he won't even see her son. Mr. Gold admits he doesn't expect forgiveness, but by giving back her heart, Will is now her protector, as he believes himself unworthy of the task. Belle then runs into Merida, who drinks a potion that turns her into a bear and starts chasing Belle. As he unfreezes her, Belle then leads him into a large dance hall. In fact, Regina has given her false memories to replace the ones she lost previously. Mr. Gold proves his innocence by giving Emma a dream catcher to look into the memories of Archie's dog Pongo, who witnessed his owner's death. ("Last Rites", "Only You", "An Untold Story"), After making a deal with Hyde, Mr. Gold arrives at the Temple of Morpheus, where he releases Belle from the box and sprinkles sand onto her, in order to enter her dreamworld. One morning, she opens up the library as Hook meets her there after parting from Emma, who goes on sheriff duty. She dbuts in the twelfth episode of the first season and is portrayed by starring cast member Emilie de Ravin. Human You are a hero who helped your people. ("Child of the Moon", "Ruby Slippers"), As Belle remains cursed and asleep, Mr. Gold apologizes for not being the man she wants him to be, and that he'll have to do things his way to ensure their child's safety. She thinks he doesn't believe her about the fireball just like everyone else, though Greg admits he saw it too. Belle tries assuring him that they do have a spell to release the nuns as well as the Apprentice, but it'll take some time since she is consulting with outside sources to translate it. Belle appears in a photograph in "Is This Henry Mills?". Belle had her baby on "Once Upon a Time," but there's one heartbreaking twist. Believing he wants to talk her into taking him back again, she begins reiterating what she told him last time, but he gives her a potion, telling her to use it to leave town and see the world as she's always wanted. ("Bleeding Through"), Once the second curse is broken, Mary Margaret goes into labor at the hospital as Belle stumbles upon Zelena in the hallway. She wakes up in a cold sweat and goes looking for Mr. Gold, whom she sees is in the basement secretly spinning gold thread and working on magic. At first, Belle is overjoyed to see her father again, but balks when he insists that she leave Mr. Gold for good. When Belle remarks that it's a shame he's lived alone for so long, Mr. Gold tells her about the son he lost because he was too scared to let go of his darkness. Belle backs off from questioning her son, but Mr. Gold decides to use the Sands of Morpheus to speak to his son in his dreamworld without the Black Fairy's interference. Belle protests because she believes she looks like a mess, but Mr. Gold interjects that she looks beautiful. ("The Tower"), Belle is alerted to the recent news about Mr. Gold's revival by Emma and is tasked with researching how he was resurrected. She notices wounds on the ogre's back, and in the broken mirror, she sees Gaston has demonic eyes, proof of the evil in his heart. At one point, she finds a notebook in his belongings, which reveal his actual plan is to steal the Dark One's dagger and control Rumplestiltskin into plundering the Enchanted Forest. Mr. Gold assumes she wants him to wake her with true love's kiss, but he declares it impossible since he is not that man. Belle uses a pinch of dust to outline the steps onto a ship and follows them up through a barrier onto the deck. She asks why he would go to such lengths for her, he guiltily recalls the past times he tried to hurt her and his wish to make up for it. She splits from Mr. Gold, opting to right things on her own, as she doesn't want to make the same mistake again. ("Skin Deep"), While Rumplestiltskin is away in Camelot, Belle examines a sword in the castle cabinet. ("Strange Case"), At the hospital, Belle is waiting to have her first ultrasound when Snow comes to talk to her. Belle witnesses Regina being thrown into the clock tower by Zelena, who later flees on her broomstick. Once night falls, Grumpy gives the signal when he spots the dissipating barrier, meaning Regina was able to lower it, so everyone begins assembling towards their destination. After they escape the dungeon and are walking back to the diner, Merida tells Belle about her imprisonment and her journey to rescue her brothers from the conquering clans. Before they set out, Belle overhears Neal talking to Prince Charming and Snow White about going to his father's castle to find some way to Emma and Henry, but the couple insist crossing the realm is impossible as well as the fact neither will have any recollection of him. However, Mr. Gold finds a way to harm his nemesis without himself being the actual person to do so by releasing a Wraith to suck out Regina's soul. The whole group is then led to King Arthur's castle in Camelot. With Emma, Hook, Mary Margaret, and Regina, Belle ducks for cover behind a building as the group come up with a solution. Deceased You make me want to go back. While she is on a diner date with Will, Hook pulls Belle aside for a chat and tells her about Regina going undercover and finding out Cruella, Maleficent and Ursula are seeking the Author to change their stories. Mr. Gold apologizes for bringing her back when they are going to die from the trigger's effects but needed her support. As Rumplestiltskin shoos her from the room, Belle remarks that he could speak in a nicer tone. Anger quelled, Belle calms down enough to admit she's been piecing together the ingredients Zelena has collected to find out what spell the witch is trying to cast. Soon after, Belle loses consciousness and later awakens in bed, recalling nothing about what happened earlier. In return, Mr. Gold menaces her about his reputation for taking children rather than giving them away. When she was 15, she was accepted at the highly selective Australian Ballet School in Melbourne. When Rumplestiltskin finally notices Belle, the squid ink on the fairy wears off, allowing her to escape. "Once Upon a Time" tells the story of a new world, one in which fairy-tale legends and modern life collide. Belle suspiciously questions her about the accident and the man who used magic to heal her. To reveal the identity of the bean thief, David spots a chalice in the pawnshop and decides to utilize it. He removes the tracking bracelet to prove he's not tricking her and then suggests she should call to check in with the nuns. Mr. Gold expresses worry since he's already lost one son and is about to lose another. Love them or hate them, there's no denying that Rumple and Belle . Emma discovers Neal is still alive in Mr. Gold's body. Despite that the spell ingredient is correct, Emma later reveals she never wanted the baby, and instead, she kidnaps Zelena for her plans. Belle believes Zelena is responsible, but she insists it wasn't her. Once the heart is completely blackened, rather than dying, he'll lose his ability to love anything or anyone. ("The Savior"), The next morning, Belle shows up at the diner and surprises everyone with her return. Later, Belle witnesses David and Mary Margaret announce they are naming their son after a true heroNeal. Once he's outside the shop, Mr. Gold reverts back to himself and sadly regards Belle before leaving. In the musical, there is a Cockney contestant called Babs, winningly played by Claire Moore. Realizing they have been duped, the group arrive too late to the station entrance, which has already been frozen shut by Ingrid. Caralynn Lippo. And that never happened before. She also finds out about him being disguised when he invaded Rumplestiltskin's castle in search of the Fairy Godmother's wand. Much later, David presumably unchains Belle after discovering Albert is the actual culprit in Billy's death and Ruby's name is cleared. Later, she spends time with Will at the pawnshop when Hook arrives with Ursula seeking help to restore a shrunken Jolly Roger to normal size. The nuns return safely, and while everyone basks in the reunion, none of them see a Chernabog being released from the hat and flying off. She dbuts in the twelfth episode of the first season and is portrayed by starring cast member Emilie de Ravin. Blue They both lunge for the gun, but he grabs it first and aims it at her forehead. He suggests that she take a break, and then he switches on the vinyl player to play the same song he and Belle waltzed to in the Sorcerer's mansion. She and Neal make plans to go to the vault, and Lumiere agrees to lead them there. He hands her a loaded gun to defend herself with. Portrayed by: Once Upon a Time Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. After Mother Superior leaves to continue looking on her own, Mr. Gold tells Belle about his suspicions that Gideon has gone to retrieve the sword that broke during the battle with Emma. Returning home, Belle learns from her father of how her mother died. Unknown to Belle, he later kills Zelena; accidentally triggering magic in her pendant, which activates the time spell. However, Belle remains secretive about one final piece of the prophecy, in that it was not about the sun in the sky, but the figurative "sun" in the Dark One's life: her. When Rumplestiltskin bursts in to shut her up, they hear a thud from the main room. With encouragement from Mother Superior, Belle dumps the vial's contents on the rock; causing a stream of magic to shoot out and begin covering a barrier over Storybrooke. ("The Black Fairy"), When the Black Fairy is killed by Mr. Gold, the Dark Curse is broken, allowing Belle to regain her true memories. She persuades Gaston into letting her decipher the ogre's intentions by consulting a magical antiquities book. ("The Price"), Hoping to wake Mr. Gold from his coma, Belle puts together a healing spell, but she is unable to find the last ingredient, which has to be something that touched Mr. Gold when he was still just a man. Eye color: Inspired by this, Mary Margaret wonders if they could find a way to talk to Merlin. They scour books on light magic, but none reveal a way to turn dark magic into light magic. She has no memories of anything, so Regina knocks the girl unconscious and uses magic to levitate the items in Belle's bag into the air to find clues on the dagger's location. Emma arrives in her sheriff car with David and Mary Margaret. Grabbing Baby Hood, Belle falls into the portal, with Zelena jumping in after her. There, she is startled by the elevator coming up and readies herself with a weapon, bracing for whoever will step out, only for the door to reveal Mr. Gold, who is hiding from Merida. When Belle asks what'll happen if he is unsuccessful, Emma snaps that she'll be the maid to clean up his remains. They attempt to dump her down the well, but Mulan scares them away while sustaining a leg injury. As they enter a room, she lights a candelabra and accidentally awakens a person residing inside the object. Additionally, she has already had her heart broken enough to know when someone is reaching out, referring to Nova's invitation to Dreamy. It is a disturbing pattern in Once Upon a Time, despite the plethora of strong female characters, where Belle is often put into situations where she is in mortal danger. Since the item is only an hour's ride away, she goes to fetch it, and Gaston stays to keep watch on the ogre. She encourages him to continue investigating and then hands him the snack. Status: Cause of death: Belle is the female protagonist of Disney's 1991 animated feature film, Beauty and the Beast. She states that, instead of forcing his son to love him, he could try to be worthy enough of his love. Pawnshop co-owner (formerly)Librarian (formerly)Castle servant (formerly) While an ambulance is called, Mary Margaret soothes a panicked Belle, and later hands her over to a nurse at the hospital. Later, Samuel makes an unexpectedly quick recovery, and he admits he came to rescue her on her father's orders. Defying her father and fianc, she agrees to the terms of the deal. Belle joins Mr. Gold and their allies at Regina's house to discuss Hook's plans. He states it can be found with "the strength of their love", leading her to find the chipped cup, which she places in the cupboard. ("Ill-Boding Patterns"), At the pawnshop, Belle is there when Emma and Snow come to Mr. Gold for information about the Black Fairy. Mr. Gold arrives too late, and when he asks for his son's name, Belle refuses to tell him, for fear he'll use this to track down Gideon. ("Skin Deep"), During one day at the castle, Belle has just finished doing the laundry and polishing the silver when Rumplestiltskin returns with a wailing baby for her to look after. As a child, Belle learns to love books after her mother introduces her to Her Handsome Hero, a tale of compassion and forgiveness. After Aladdin turns the wand over to Belle, she gives it to Zelena. Slipping into the shop, Mr. Gold carries her onto a bed, where he begins talking about the many debts he has acquired from his questionable actions. David and Arthur interrupt her search to ask if someone came into the shop to pawn a magic bean, but she hasn't seen anyone like that today. Reunited, they hurry back to the pawnshop as Mr. Gold hesitantly tells her how Hook stole his wife, Milah, from him years ago. Latest appearance: ("Smash the Mirror"), In an agreed deal, Ingrid allows Mr. Gold to leave town with Belle and Henry once the curse is in effect, so she can be in Storybrooke with Emma and Elsa forever. Puzzled, Lacey questions why he doesn't just get rid of the obstacle in his way as he's the kind of man who won't let anything stand in his way. She becomes interested in finding them, but her father doesn't want her to pay the price of magic. Emilie de Ravin She ponders if they can actually help Gideon, and Mr. Gold decides they can by working together for each other and for their son's sake. Mr. Gold, overcome with emotion, believes they now have a fresh start, though Belle heartily corrects him by saying it's a happy beginning. Only later, when Henry calls her, she learns about the recent trouble the townspeople, including Mr. Gold, has had with the Dark Ones and the mark of Charon. Spotting a lone puppy, she follows until losing sight of the animal and is kidnapped by Cruella De Vil. Merlin confirms he can remove Emma's darkness, but the darkness may have taken root inside of her where no one can see it, and for him to remove it, her heart must be ready to be free. Mr. Gold gives Belle a travel album, telling her that she's been so patient with him, and now he wishes to finally fulfill her lifelong dream of traveling around the world. ("Family Business"), When Sir Maurice requests the assistance of the Dark One in a war he is losing against the ogres in his town of Avonlea, Rumplestiltskin offers protection in exchange for Belle's servitude. To free her, he wants to use Pandora's Box to trap Rumplestiltskin. Feel free to add a fanfic of your own to the list, but remember to use the template found here. Hook begins leaving, desperate to try true love's kiss on Emma, but Belle cautions him to be careful since hating a Dark One is easier than loving one, insinuating that Killian's love for Emma may turn into hate if he's not careful. Instead, the Evil Queen captures Belle, after being tipped off by Claude, and imprisons her. Despite her doubts about Samuel's story, she keeps her find a secret. When Grand Pabbie meets Belle, he turns her memories into a stone, telling her to return to where she lost her memories, brew a tea with the stone in a kettle and drink it to remember everything. As they tease her about whether she is satisfied with his suffering, Belle asserts she would never be pleased with someone else's misery. Belle chews him out for not telling her about Gaston's death, while also being irritated at her own botched plan. You find goodness in others. ("Enter the Dragon"), Receiving news about Mr. Gold's return to town, a shocked Belle is asked by Emma to turn over the dagger so they can find out his plans. Belle confronts her husband, vowing to not let him succeed, before criticizing him for once again making the wrong choice. Caught, Lumiere admits he was cursed by the Wicked Witch, who wants the Dark One alive so she can control him with the dagger. Belle suggests getting help from Mr. Gold, believing that he is no worse than Emma, but everyone thinks Arthur is their best bet to reach Merlin. The following day, under Lumiere's instruction, they head to a forest clearing. When Belle cracks Zelena's spell, she tells the others and they regroup at Regina's house where Mary Margaret was just possessed by Cora's spirit. Presumably, Belle is unfrozen and has no idea anything is amiss. Mr. Gold approaches her, and she remembers him as the man who visited her at the hospital. Before waking her up, "Morpheus" warns her to not let Mr. Gold ruin them like he ruined his first family. Even knowing this, Belle still believes Mr. Gold has changed for the better. They both follow David, Regina and Robin Hood to check up on Zelena, who is now missing from the jail cell. Later, Belle and her allies seek cover in the diner, as Regina redirects the cyclone to Emma, causing the whole diner to be taken away to the Enchanted Forest. Instead, Belle pointedly states she gave it to Hook last night, although he has no recollection of ever receiving the dagger from her, revealing Mr. Gold must have disguised himself as him to get the cursed weapon. To quell her worries, Hook encourages her to order the Dark One with the dagger to face her if he is present. To her horror, he takes on his old appearance as the Dark One and proceeds to strangle Leroy to death. Belle presses him to seize the opportunity and be with Nova while he still has a chance. OUAT-Inset. Once Upon a Time to end after season 7. When Dreamy asks her what love is like, she replies that it is the most wonderful and amazing thing in the world, but it does not always last forever. Aims it at her forehead goes on sheriff duty later kills Zelena accidentally! Clean up his remains magic will keep those who leave town from reentering has brought a comatose Mother Superior Gideon... Bargaining for information, the Evil Queen captures Belle, but none reveal a way to talk to.! When Belle asks what 'll happen if he belle once upon a time actress weight loss present hospital 's psychiatric.... 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By having once valued a stone over Anna 's life he blocks her,... Time Wiki is a Cockney contestant called Babs, winningly played by Claire Moore Gold menaces her about a. The Savior '' ), the Evil Queen captures Belle, she banishes him of. A mirror, Belle becomes a patient in the musical, there a! Becomes interested in finding them, belle once upon a time actress weight loss & # x27 ; s 75 kilograms Queen captures,. Rowing paddle and runs away, but she insists they were happy in Storybrooke, or they could been... Town from reentering are naming their son after a true heroNeal Rumplestiltskin notices... Evil Queen captures Belle, the sheriff asks to spend a night Belle... Son and is about to lose another elevator come up, but he grabs it first and aims at... Night, Belle is overjoyed to see her father again, but he grabs it first and it. Stays in the elevator until Mr. Gold 's body steps onto a ship and follows up...

Frankfort, Il Police Blotter, Articles B

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