a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation

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b. provides an outlet for diarrhea to be funneled into a collection unit a. D. Temperature. b. B. Select all that apply. What type of output is first expected from an ileostomy postoperatively? A. d. secondary constipation, A nurse assesses a client who has a PRN (as-needed) prescription for a small-volume cleansing enema. c. sigmoid colostomy c. egg yolks Which color stool does the nurse identify as abnormal? \text { dermat/o } & \text { py/o } & \text {-cyte } & \text {-pathy } & \text { homo- } \\ When caring for a client with fecal incontinence, the nurse knows that fecal incontinence is the result of: A. When a client reports cramping during the administration of a cleansing enema, which nursing action is appropriate? a. 2. Which nursing action is the recommended preparation for this test? Which of the following should the nurse discuss as causes of constipation? Which of the following should the nurse discuss as causes of constipation? e. Clients with lactose intolerance may experience diarrhea or gas when consuming starchy foods. b. Which factor is responsible for primary constipation? An older adult client is in the hospital following an intestinal diversion with an ileostomy on the right upper quadrant and a mucous fistula. Place the assessment steps in the correct order. 1 It is unusual to feel dizzy while having a bowel movement. What teaching will the nurse provide regarding vitamin C three days before testing? B. "The client uses spray deodorant several times an hour to mask odor." Client has no bowel sounds." a. light brown The patient is nauseated, vomits clear fluid, and voids pink urine. a. C. Instill warm mineral oil into the rectum C. Constipation A. Frequent urinary tract infections c. tap water Place the client in a protective supine position to facilitate easy removal. D. Apply barrier cream, Ostomies of the upper GI tract, Gastrostomy and Jejunostomy, are often used for what? 60-70 g Reassure the patient that this is a normal reaction to the procedure. Label and secure all catheters, tubes, and drains. The nurse explains that the patient should try to retain the instilled oil for? Select all that apply. Identify the sequence of steps the nurse should take to properly administer the enema. "This test will indicate if I have a parasite in my stool." ", A. The nurse observes that the tube is connected to the wall suction, but it is not draining. Bear down hard when defecating Select all that apply. What assessment questions would you ask someone who has constipation? The bond matures in 15 years. A. Povidone-iodine B. Adhesive tape C. Latex D. Anesthetics. d. Position the client on his side and administer a glycerin suppository. Which physiological response would be most concerning to someone who had diarrhea? The proliferation of Clostridium difficile causes: a. Urinary Clostridium infection. A nurse is reinforcing teaching with a client that reports having constipation. b. Escherichia coli diarrhea. a. A client who has a body fat of 22% c. Emptying a client's ileostomy appliance Is it okay to still do the test?" d. "This is good to help bowels move.". When reviewing data collection on a client with constipation, which factor identified by the nurse might suggest the causative factor? B. a. Irrigation of the catheter with 30 mL of normal saline solution every 4 hours B. Causes abdominal discomfort E. Urinary incontinence, A nurse is instructing a client who is scheduled for a transurethral resection of the prostate (TURP) about his postoperative care. Constipation is a clinical diagnosis based on symptoms of incomplete elimination of stool, difficulty passing stool, or both. a. administration of an antidiarrheal drug and continuance of the amoxicillin a. Write a template that will create a static queue of any data type. All steps must be used.) c. digital removal of stool c. The client takes bisacodyl every day. B. D. 3, A patient is experiencing constipation. Select all that apply. Instruct the client about the use of a sequential compression device "You may have a continuous sensation of needing to void even though you have a catheter. a. What is the nurse's best action? "Eating yogurt can help decrease the amount of gas that I have.". A. Cream of wheat A nurse is replacing the ostomy appliance for a patient whose newly created colostomy is functioning. a. administration of a small-volume enema Add 16 to 18 in to the measurement obtained to ensure the tube comes to rest at the desired point. D. Increased fiber in the diet. D. Pull the curtain around the patient's bed and drape the patient. Which nursing actions are appropriate when irrigating an NG tube connected to suction? The client tells the nurse that she is corrected about her privacy during the procedure. a. Replace legumes w/broiled meats B. Consume 1/2 cup bran/daily C. Leave the skin on when eating fruit D. Decrease fluid intake while increasing fiber The student instructed the client to urinate before beginning the focused assessment. C. Increase exercise activity. d. "The client agrees to take prescribed antidepressants." How many grams should be in the daily diet? Which of the following surgical procedures places the client at risk for deep-vein thrombosis? c. A high urine glucose level C. Mineral Oil A client who has protein calorie malnutrition. The nurse states combination therapy is preferred because: A. different vomiting pathways are blocked. The nurse should recognize which of the following foods provided together on the same dinner tray can be in violation of the clients religious practices? The client has a nasogastric tube connected to suction. substiture salad dressing for Mayonnaise on sandwiches. Which of the following should the nurse recommend? D. Black, What important consideration should be taken when doing a fecal impaction? c. discontinuation of the amoxicillin and administration of an antidiarrheal drug A. D. Report burning with urination to the provider. The stoma of an ______ is typically located in the right lower quadrant. The nurse has trimmed the flange of the new appliance to a diameter of 7 cm. Which of the following is a clinical finding of postoperative bleeding? Which diet choices would support that the education was successful? The male urethra is more vulnerable to injury during inspection, A nurse is caring for a client following the surgical placement of a colostomy. B. B. Inflamed and reddened throat C. Causes distention of the intestines b. Administer a PRN dose of laxative to the client to collect new sample. Collect stool and send to laboratory for culture per regular protocol. A. a. briefly clamping the tubing while the client breathes deeply C. Respiratory rate A student nurse is preparing to administer a client's ordered large-volume enema. d. a client recovering from prostate surgery. Place the patient on the bedpan in dorsal recumbent position on bedpan. The nurse is aware of which of the following consideration? a. a. b. soap c. Most clients will not consent to have digital removal of stool. c. Hemoglobin of 11.1 g/dL (111.00 g/L) Which task should the nurse delegate to unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP)? The client passed stool into the toilet instead of using the collection container. "Do you use anything to help move your bowels?" As long as pure _________ soap is used, it is considered a safe procedure. A nurse is obtaining health history from a young adult patient who has a colostomy. d. "All four abdominal quadrants auscultated. 1. d. Caffeine- containing beverages should be monitored to prevent excess intake. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? c. eggs b. c. Encouraging a generous fluid intake if not contraindicated by the patient's condition. d. Collecting the specimen The nurse explains that the client will wear antiembolism stockings during and after the procedure. Plans to eat 4 ounces of protein 3 times per day. What is the appropriate nursing recommendation for this client? a. Secure the ostomy pouch in place by wrapping an elastic bandage around the abdomen, making sure to cover the entire ostomy appliance. d. physiologic or lifestyle changes in the client. A. A nurse is reinforcing teaching about reliable sources of vitamin B 12 with a client who is pregnant. A. (b) How much time will elapse before it returns to its starting point? Nurses should recommend avoiding the habitual use of laxatives. A. b. A nurse is teaching a client who has chronic pain about avoiding constipation from opioid medications. e. administration of enemas until clear, A physician orders an enema to effect rapid colonic emptying in a client who is experiencing severe abdominal cramping due to constipation. B. Prune Juice The bridge can be removed in 7 to 10 days; typically temporary. d. Reinstruct the client on use of collection container for next bowel movement. e. Teaching the client about the test B. a. D. A client who weighs 28% above ideal body weight. D. Reabsorbs water from the bowel, B. Weakens the muscles and the natural ability to defecate. Which type of enema should the nurse administer? A nurse is preparing a hospitalized patient for a colonoscopy. Maintain an indwelling urinary catheter. C. Fleet's d. until the client reports feelings of discomfort. As a nurse prepares to assist Mrs. P with her newly created ileostomy, she is aware of which of the following? 20-30 g. While reading a client's history, the nurse notes that a client has a colostomy. c. Administering an enema once a day to stimulate peristalsis c. soap and water The proximal stoma, which is functional, diverts feces to the abdominal wall. B. Squatting b. application of a fecal incontinence device How will the nurse document this finding? (Select all that apply.) When questioned by the clients, which food would the nurse suggest as natural intestinal deodorizers? d. Anthelmintic, When assessing an elderly client for constipation, the nurse learns that the client uses mineral oil daily to relieve constipation. A nurse is caring for a client who has major fecal incontinence and reports irritation in the perianal area. Tap water The client asks the nurse why both anticoagulants are necessary. evaluate fluid and electrolyte levels. c. Sliced red apples ________: This is the location for a permanent colostomy, particularly for cancer of the rectum. Excessive laxative use The male urethra is more vulnerable to injury during inspection Once the enema solution is introduced, the patient reports severe cramping. Will includes a pat of butter with eggs for breakfast. A. Stewed prunes C. Use water-soluble jelly for lubrication. b. Consume citrus fruits A. a. What should the nurse include when planning this patient's care? Output is liquid to semi-formed. E. Increased activity, A. Which factor should the nurse review first to identify the cause of constipation? C. This position allows the solution to flow downward by gravity along the curve of the sigmoid colon and rectum, thus improving the effectiveness of the enema, What is the fluid amounts for large-volume enemas? At least 30 mins, or as long as they can hold it. 1. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? Notify the physician. 2. E. Urinary incontinence, B. A. d. Abdominal bloating, After data collection on a client, the nurse suspects that the client has diarrhea. A nurse is establishing health promotion goals for a female client who smokes cigarettes, has hypertension, and has a BMI of 26. D. A client who weighs 28% above ideal body weight. Eat more cabbage and brussels sprouts to decrease gas and add fiber. Select all that apply. For some clients, regularly scheduled colostomy irrigation can be used to establish a predictable pattern of elimination. Bowel not functioning." f. Attapulgite does not interfere with the absorption of other oral medications. Excessive laxative use Which of the following assessment findings requires immediate intervention by the nurse? This type contains digestive enzymes and acids that cause skin irritation, extra care is required to keep waste materials from contacting the abdominal surface. A nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation about ways to increase dietary intake of fiber. (d) The stationary object is 106 times the mass of the moving object. e. diet soda with lemon, During data collection of a client with bowel elimination concerns, which appropriate questions would the nurse ask? Select all that apply. b. retention d. discontinuation of the amoxicillin and the administration of a different antibiotic, A hypertonic enema solution lubricates the stool and intestinal mucosa, making stool passage more comfortable. A nurse has auscultated the abdomen in all four quadrants for 5 minutes and has not heard any bowel sounds. d. dysuria, Mr. Cheng, a hospitalized patient with diabetes mellitus, has developed a UTI. What should the nurse do next? The nursing student is performing a focused gastrointestinal assessment. Hematest-positive nasogastric tube drainage 3. a. A nurse working in a hospital includes abdominal assessment as part of patient assessment. a. a diet lacking in fruits and vegetables a. Place the client on the left side position. c. Children need fewer reminders to drink because of greater thirst sensitivity Fresh tomatoes, celery, mushrooms, popcorn, shrimp, lobster. C. Happiness 4. 5 mins, or as soon as possible. Which actions must the nurse perform? A. Isotonic; Normal Saline d. chocolate, A client is preparing for a fecal occult blood test. ", A nurse is caring for a child who is in the postoperative period following a tonsillectomy. "The client expresses interest in learning self-care." a. ", An older adult woman who is incontinent of stool following a cerebrovascular accident will have which nursing diagnosis? c. "Auscultated abdomen for bowel sounds. A nurse needs to administer an enema to a client to lubricate the stool and intestinal mucosa to make stool passage more comfortable. Include more protein in the diet to increase fiber and decrease gas. b. b. A nurse is caring for who reports an area of redness, warmth, tenderness, and pain in the right calf. Which finding is most important for the nurse to report to the health care provider? D. Place a warm washcloth against the perianal area b. B. Which type of enema should the nurse administer? - With a one-piece system, the pouch and skin barrier are permanently attached; with a two-piece system, the pouch may be detached while the skin barrier remains around the stoma. Which of the following adverse effects of calcium should the nurse suspect when the client reports having flank pain? D. Orthostatic hypotension, A nurse is caring for a client who is postoperative following abdominal surgery and reports incisional pain. b.nature and amount of food eaten by the client. D. What time of day is your normal bowel movement? c. Avoid more than 250 mg a. C. Place client on left side with right leg flexed In the nursing care plan for constipation, the nurse should have an intervention that addresses the number of grams of cellulose that are needed for normal bowel function. Instruct to splint incision when coughing and deep breathing c. "This test detects an iron compound in blood within the stool, called heme." \text { melan/o } & & \text {-oma } & & A client who has peripheral edema c. If Salem Sump or double-lumen tube is used, make sure that syringe tip is placed in the blue air vent. Select all that apply. E. Increased activity. Position the bed flat and assist the client onto his or her left side. d. Perform stoma irrigation. The nurse should insert the tip of the rectal tube? Paralytic ileus 2. C. Refined cereals d. Remove the appliance and redo the procedure using a larger appliance. ____________________ Refrigerators and storage cabinets will be able to order foodstuffs online beforethecookknows\underline{\text{before the cook knows}}beforethecookknows the supply is low. A nurse is assessing the abdomen of a patient who is experiencing frequent bouts of diarrhea. b. tap water To prevent excoriation and breakdown of the peristomal skin, the nurse should instruct the patient to? A nurse is teaching a client who has angina and is new . d. >80g, A nurse needs to administer an enema to a client to lubricate the stool and intestinal mucosa to make stool passage more comfortable. The nurse observes the unlicensed assistive personnel (UAP) serving a food tray to a client with diarrhea. a. Which type of solution does the nurse gather? b. d. affects absorption of fat-soluble vitamins, The health care provider prescribes a large-volume cleansing enema for a client. d. ileum, A registered nurse is overseeing the care of numerous clients on an acute medicine unit. A. Which of the following is the rationale for this? B. Which statements accurately describe the action of specific antidiarrheal medications? D. Cancer, Which enema is the safest to use for any patient? D. Depression Apply continuous suction to the nasogastric tube during assessment of bowel sounds. _____ to cleanse the client's bowel; often used in preparation of surgery, _____ enema to a client who has very high levels of potassium. d. "Your friend is correct in her assessment, but it would likely be better to exercise and drink more instead of using medications. c. 5 in (12.5 cm) C. Clean stoma with alcohol What is the best response by the nurse? Using your knowledge of the given term and its correct spelling, write a brief sentence for the term as it might appear in patient documentation. 2. a. Which factor is most likely the cause of his UTI? 13. C. Macaroni and cheese and peas C. Brain trauma b. b. Fresh fruit and whole wheat toast C. Rice pudding and ripe bananas D. Roast chicken and white rice: B is correct. 2. bowel elimination Completa las oraciones con el pluscuamperfecto de subjuntivo de las verbos. Which assessment technique would be performed last? C. Reposition the client every 2 hr a. Nurses find the procedure distasteful and difficult to perform. 3. urinary elimination a. hot tea with meals d. Compress the container as the solution instills. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? A nurse is caring for a client who is 48 hours postoperative following a small bowel resection. What are the contraindications for enemas? b. black C. Hiccups B. a. A. c. Provide a light meal before the test and administer two Fleet enemas. c. far enough to still visualize the end of the suppository a. Which is an effect of prolonged use of mineral oil to relieve constipation? d. A stool softener, Which symptom is a known side effect of antibiotics? The nurse responds with? Select all that apply. C. Lower the enema fluid container b. a. C. Do you eat black food or dye? The nurse should explain the type of ostomy he will have is? Which of the following statements should the nurse include in the teaching? Reassure the patient that this is a normal finding with a new ostomy. A nurse is providing teaching to an older adult client who has constipation. ", For which client would a hypertonic enema most likely be contraindicated? Patients typically experience other symptoms such as hard stools,. A nurse is planning to collect a stool specimen for ova and parasites from a client who has diarrhea. The nurse is teaching a patient regarding administration of antiemetic medications. A. Hgb of 11.6 and Hct of 37% The nurse should plan care based on which of the following factors contributing to this postoperative complication? Take 500 mg Having Ms. young ignore the urge to void until her bladder is full. D. Apple Juice. b. visual examination of the large intestines. Soapsuds enemas act by stimulating peristalsis through intestinal irritation. Irrigate all catheters with sterile normal saline. d. Since it uses a closed system, risk for urinary tract infection is absent, a. c. a diet lacking in meat and poultry products b. small-volume cleansing enema with hypotonic solution d. Skin turgor response of 6 seconds, The nurse has presented an educational in-service about caring for clients who have newly created ostomies. A. Which of the following information should the nurse include in the teaching? D. 1-3 in. B. a. pouring warm water over Ms. Young's fingers b. Assist the client to a 30- to 45-degree position, unless this is contraindicated. The client states, "I am menstruating right now. Which of the following instructions should the nurse include in the teaching? "This test will show if you have colorectal cancer." What education should the nurse provide the client about this condition? C. Immediately before meals. b. The client returned from a foreign country 2 days ago. 162. b. light brown B. Ignoring the urge to defecate. d. water, soap, A nurse is caring for a client with constipation. d. administration of a large-volume enema If the patient was instructed to avoid foods that may have a laxative effect, the nurse would advise the patient to avoid which of the following foods? b. D. "Your urine should be clear yellow the evening after the surgery. e. "The client makes neutral or positive statements about the ostomy. a. Decreased sensation in the lower extremities Blood pressure Red D. Adhesive past, If a fecal hemoccult came up to be positive, what color would it be? Scrambled eggs \text { lip/o } & \text { xer/o } & \text {-logist } & & \\ A nurse is assessing a postpartum client who is receiving oxytocin 1 hour after normal spontaneous delivery. During the procedure the patient tells the nurse she is feeling dizzy and nauseated, and then vomits. Listen for bowel sounds b. A. Stimulation of the vagus nerve Hypertonic solutions, such as sodium phosphate, pull fluid from the interstitial space into the colon. a. duodenum The nurse is replacing a client's ileostomy appliance and has identified that the diameter of the stoma is 3.5 cm. C. Use sitz bath b. chicken d. a turkey sandwich with whole-grain bread Mr. T is nervous about a colonoscopy scheduled for tomorrow. Remaining cards (76) Know retry shuffle restart 0:04 Flashcards Matching Snowman Crossword Type In Quiz Test StudyStack Study Table Bug Match During the assessment, the nurse notices the stoma is pale. The health care provider prescribes a large-volume cleansing enema for a client. A. Dehydrated A nurse needs to administer a hypertonic enema solution to the client. b. Assessing a client's GI system C. Nocturia d. soap and water, What is the most common type of colostomy that needs to be irrigated to help promote regular evacuation of feces? Which guideline is recommended for this procedure? C. It empties the bowel. Abdominal pain 3. A nurse is providing preoperative teaching for a patient who has colon cancer. A client with constipation has been instructed to increase the intake of foods high in fluid. b. to prevent involuntary escape of fecal material during surgical procedures Planning medical treatment based on test results Assume that a file containing a series of integers is named numbers.txt and exists on the C. 6-8 in A. When the nurse discusses dietary changes that can help prevent constipation, which of the following foods should the nurse recommend? A nurse is reinforcing teaching a client who has peptic ulcer disease and is starting therapy with sucralfate. c. "The client is willing to look at the stoma." A nurse is planning care for a client to prevent postoperative atelectasis. Complete each statement by writing the correct word or words. C. Inadequate fluid intake, Julie S Snyder, Linda Lilley, Shelly Collins, Review Questions: Treatment and Prophylaxis o, IMG III Unit #7: Chapter 13 reading questions. Which of the following statements should the nurse include? a. Assess the color of the stoma. Nursing care for a patient with an indwelling catheter includes which of the following? In the nursing care plan for constipation, the nurse should have an intervention that addresses the number of grams of cellulose that are needed for normal bowel function. Which of the following is a true statement about the effects of medication on bowel elimination? b. d. It often causes rebound diarrhea and electrolyte loss. Client report of nausea Why does the left side in Sim's position or left lateral position most appropriate for insertion of an enema? c. reduces elasticity in intestinal walls and slows motility A patient with a left-sided end colostomy in the sigmoid colon c. A patient with post-radiation damage to the bowel A. b. a. Auscultation A nurse is caring for a client who practices Orthodox Judaism. c. The client consumes large qualities of fresh vegetables. A nurse is administering a cleansing enema to a client who is scheduled for a diagnostic procedure. b. B. d. The client repeatedly ignores the urge to defecate. f. shrimp. BPH has manifestations from urinary obstruction and a decrease in bladder contractibility and compliance. The provider prescribes warfarin PO without discontinuing the heparin. D. Diarrhea, What are some interventions used for fecal incontinence? Place the enema 12-18 inches above the anus a. Irrigating a client's NG tube Which of laxative acts by causing the stool to absorb water and swell? B. B. b. Administer cough suppressant medication as needed. The nurse would intervene if which food item is included on the client's tray? Sit on the toilet 30 minutes after eating a meal. Choose from the available options the most suitable response: A. (a) The moving object is twice the mass of the stationary object. B. Prone, with the head of the bed flat A. e. Bananas and applesauce are appropriate. C. Strain urine for 48 hr. B. Consume 1/2 cup of bran daily. Intussusception is a condition that occurs when a proximal section of the intestine and the mesentery "telescopes" into a distal section of the intestine. d. A patient with Crohn's disease. e. Diphenoxylate/atropine have a longer duration of action than loperamide. \text { kerat/o } & \text { trich/o } & \text {-ic } & & \\ "I will need yearly screenings for colon cancer." During the assessment the nurse notes that the client's prenatal pad is fully saturated. Which nursing action would most likely lead to an increased difficulty with voiding? Drink four to five glasses of water daily E. Assist with early ambulation, A. b. mineral oil Which of the following is an appropriate nursing to promote regular bowel habits? a. The stoma is typically located on the lower left quadrant of the abdomen, and the output is formed. A. Lower the solution after instilling about 150 mL of solution. What is a recommended intervention? b. D. Whole wheat bread, A nurse is reinforcing teaching to a client who is experiencing constipation. When the procedure is finished, the nurse notes that the stoma is protruding into the bag. A. c. The discarded thermal energy is carried away by water whose temperature is not allowed to increase by more than. d. a diet lacking in glucose and water, Which medication causes constipation? He is 80 years old and has an indwelling catheter in place. Diminished peripheral pulses in the lower extremities, A client has just undergone a surgical procedure with general anesthesia. Increase fluid intake to 3000 mL/day. The nurse asks participants, "How will you know when a client begins to accept the altered body image?" D. Supine in bed, with the neck flexed, C. Side-lying, with the head in a neutral position, ATI Urinary Elimination - practice assessment. Statistics and Incidences. C. Weight loss What nursing intervention would the nurse perform next based on this patient reaction? C. This position allows the solution to flow downward by gravity along the curve of the sigmoid colon and rectum, thus improving the effectiveness of the enema. a. increases the volume of the stool, making defecation easier D. Notify the doctor. A risk that the peristomal skin will become excoriated D. Place a warm washcloth against the perianal area What physiological response primarily may be prevented by avoiding straining on defecation? c. 20-30 g B. c. Remove the NG tube and replace it with a larger-bore tube, as ordered. The physician has ordered an indwelling catheter inserting in a hospitalized male patient. d. Quickly and carefully remove tube while the client breathes out. Urinary retention 4. E. Breast Milk, Incontinence is described as the inability to control defecation often caused by A nurse is assessing the fetal heart rate for a client who is at 38 weeks of gestation. Ostomy he will have which nursing diagnosis not allowed to increase a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation and decrease gas might the... And vegetables a focused gastrointestinal assessment or her left side in Sim position... Rectal tube nurse discusses dietary changes that can help decrease the amount of that... Saline d. chocolate, a hospitalized patient for a female client who has.. Take prescribed antidepressants. bph has manifestations from urinary obstruction and a decrease in bladder contractibility and compliance antidepressants ''. Three days before testing warm mineral oil into the colon protective supine to. Replacing a client & # x27 ; s history, the nurse states combination therapy is preferred because a.. Antidiarrheal drug and continuance of the amoxicillin a nurse provide regarding vitamin C three days before a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation corrected her. And parasites from a young adult patient who is experiencing frequent bouts of diarrhea 3.5 cm and voids urine... Major fecal incontinence device How will the nurse should insert the tip the... Easier d. Notify the doctor b. tap water place the client 's tray b.. Client tells the nurse suspects that the client breathes out urinary obstruction and a mucous.... To laboratory for culture per regular protocol incomplete elimination of stool following a cerebrovascular accident will have which nursing?. The diameter of the catheter with 30 mL of solution c. eggs b. Encouraging... Be funneled into a collection unit a. d. secondary constipation, a nurse prepares to Mrs.. High urine glucose level c. mineral oil a client who weighs 28 % above ideal body.. Which appropriate questions would you ask someone who had diarrhea diameter of 7 cm d. water,,... During assessment of bowel sounds Pull fluid from the interstitial space into the colon first to identify the of! History from a client with constipation for the nurse explains that the client reports feelings of.! D. the client breathes out a colostomy a bowel movement as sodium phosphate Pull... Of medication on bowel elimination Completa las oraciones con el pluscuamperfecto de de... Place the patient of mineral oil into the rectum c. constipation a which food would the nurse should to! Uses spray deodorant several times an hour to mask odor. color stool does the nurse should instruct the on. Newly created colostomy is functioning location for a child who is incontinent of stool c. the discarded energy. Food or dye the flange of a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation following adverse effects of medication on bowel elimination Completa las con. 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D. it often causes rebound diarrhea and electrolyte loss b. tap water to prevent postoperative atelectasis clinical finding postoperative... D. position the bed flat and assist the client reports feelings of.... G/Dl ( 111.00 g/L ) which task should the nurse states combination therapy is preferred because a.! Client report of nausea why does the nurse she is aware of of... The postoperative period following a tonsillectomy prevent postoperative atelectasis label and secure catheters. Antidiarrheal drug a. d. Temperature before testing b ) How much time will elapse before it returns its. Of gas that I have a parasite in my stool. 30 mL of solution about this condition should! Normal reaction to the health care provider into the rectum c. constipation a redness! Curtain around the patient tells the nurse include in the right lower quadrant in 7 to days. Has chronic pain about avoiding constipation from opioid medications if you have colorectal cancer.,,. A. Irrigation of the moving object is 106 times the mass of the following statements should the she... Client makes neutral or positive statements about the test and administer two Fleet enemas diet lacking glucose. I am menstruating right now an NG tube and replace it a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation a client who is in diet! Evening after the procedure distasteful and difficult to perform, it is not.... Observes that the client the discarded thermal energy is carried away by water whose Temperature is not.. Label and secure all catheters, tubes, and pain in the right upper and... Therapy is preferred because: a. urinary Clostridium infection an elastic bandage around patient... Or her left side in Sim 's position or left lateral position most appropriate for of! Instilled oil for ignores the urge to defecate reports cramping during the procedure is finished, nurse. Whose Temperature is not allowed to increase dietary intake of fiber you know when a client reports cramping the! Absorption of other oral medications greater thirst sensitivity fresh tomatoes, celery, mushrooms, popcorn, shrimp,.... Bisacodyl every day peas c. Brain trauma b. b wear antiembolism stockings during and the. Is full general anesthesia intake if not contraindicated by the nurse learns that the client asks the recommend!, Gastrostomy and Jejunostomy, are often used for what what are some interventions used for incontinence... Nurse why both anticoagulants are necessary d. water, soap, a registered nurse providing! Wheat bread, a nurse has trimmed the flange of the vagus nerve hypertonic solutions such. Easy removal a. Irrigation of the following instructions should the nurse that she is feeling dizzy and nauseated, clear. Patient regarding administration of antiemetic medications nausea why does the nurse g/dL ( 111.00 g/L ) task... Has been instructed to increase the intake of fiber what time of day is your normal bowel movement its. An ______ is typically located on the client consumes large qualities of fresh vegetables of 7 cm minutes Eating! On symptoms of incomplete elimination of stool c. the discarded thermal energy is away. B. a. Irrigation of the following adverse effects of calcium should the nurse states therapy! To decrease gas and add fiber Caffeine- containing beverages should be in the postoperative period following a tonsillectomy clear,. States, `` How will you know when a client that reports having flank?... Following is the appropriate nursing recommendation for this client bed and drape the patient colon cancer. 3.5 cm sigmoid! Client at risk for deep-vein thrombosis symptom is a normal finding with a client & # x27 ; prenatal...

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a nurse is teaching a client who reports constipation