villain monologues script

Now, you think, because your mommy and your daddy got shot, you know the ugly side of life, but you don't. You've never tasted desperate. A fire so total that there were no survivors. I have neither the time nor the inclination to explain myself to a man who rises and sleeps under the blanket of the very freedom that I provide, and then questions the manner in which I provide it!". In Batman Returns, the lovely Michelle Pfeiffer jumps into the famous catsuit to answer that question. He's charming. So much of what we're talking about on No Film School when it comes to screenwriting is summarized in our new eBook. Greed for life, for money, for love, knowledge, has marked the upward surge of mankind.". And your room looks like some two-dollar-a-week furnished room in some two-bit back street town in Oklahoma. Harrelson began explaining a movie script he said no to which is a story about Big Pharma locking people in their homes and forcing them use their drugs constantly to be safe. And in New York during that time period, it was a necessity for many. At the final moment, Batman repents and shoots a web to save The Joker. Sold me up the river. Well done! All Rights Reserved. Technicians, engineers, hundreds of people who will be able to feed their children tonight so those children can grow up big and strong and have little teenie-weenie children of their own and so one and so forth, thus adding to the great chain of life. Khan In Star Trek II: The Wrath Of Khan (1982) When a villain spends years, sometimes decades planning their revenge, they're more inclined to monologue away their victory. Ah, Father. In short, the entire story is an example of Evil Gloating. You do! Worship that? Drainage, Eli, you BOY! Im here on the ground with my nose in it since the whole thing began. Youre semi-evil. Villain monologues are a chance for the villain to explain themselves and their inner conflicts that should be hinted at throughout the script. He is not in a hurry. Whyd you sell us out, Burke? I sold you out? Cheers. He gives you this extraordinary gift, and then what does He do, I swear for His own amusement, his own private, cosmic gag reel, He sets the rules in opposition. From Hans Landa in *Inglourious Basterds* to Agent Smith in *The Matrix*, the best villain monologues illuminate the themes of a film while also giving the actors a meal of text to play with to create a memorable character. The reveal of the plan need not necessarily be in the monologue. I think a lot of movies that came after tried to copy that scene as necessary exposition, but forgot to give the character a reason for it. Blake (Alec Baldwin) in Glengarry Glen Ross: *That watch costs more than you car. We dont need no stinking badges! to the numerous love-to-hate-them villains in all of the super-hero movies of today; villains have been at the center of many a great film. Its the goof of all time. Lots of times in these articles we create a list, and I think that would be flawed. Evil in Austin Powers where he mimics the James Bond-style monologue talking about his troubled childhood. And Id like that. Ive nurtured every sensation mans been inspired to have. 20. Im the police, I run shit here. Your success is our #1 priority. Greed is right. They have villains deliver long-winded speeches that make a Sorkin walk-and-talk take a breath. But only through extreme effort, planning, and a dragon's horde of wealth expended only then can my patron make himself manifest upon this plane of existence. WHY SO SERIOUS? He sticks the blade in my mouth Lets put a smile on that face. And, 6. And if you ever heard it, that meant your ass. I want to look at these evil villain monologues in film and TV and talk about what makes them great. Another point in the narrative where you can place a villain montage is at the beginning of the third act of the screenplay. The truth is youre the weak. Batty is seen throughout most of the story as a powerful and ruthless replicant that will let no man stand in his way. Kurtz even showcases praise towards his adversary, the Viet Cong. 5. Goldfinger gets this wonderfully smug look and says who said anything about removing it? And then he teases Bond along in figuring out the real plan. Throughout the series, he justifies and explains his motives to viewers. Ms. Robinson is currently working on a number of web pages and reviews for a well-known company in Georgia covering television, movie, and product reviews. Something went wrong while submitting the form. It didnt kill him but burned most of his insides. Ezekiel 25:17 Jules Winnfield (Samuel L. Jackson) | Pulp fiction. GUNS BLAZIN!!!. Worship that? Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. Unable to escape or get the food, they ate each other; it is a metaphor for how Silva has lured Bond and MI6 into a trap and, Bond and Silva are the final two rats remaining. Are you restricting it to over-the-top Villiany? When we think about crafting our screenplays, the hero is often the first character to come to our minds. Satan. As far back as I can remember, I have always rooted for the bad guys in movies. Now, I know what you're saying, is Jules a true villain? I buy you beautiful dresses, and you treat them like they were some dishrag. You know before I picked that little fella up, I looked him up on the internet. But, more recently, Aaron Eckhart played Two-Face in The Dark Knight. As you can see, there are a lot of ways to make villain monologues work for you. And I will kill you and show your mangled corpse to my clients and say "These are the dead bones you were afraid of, and look how they died. Just one calorie-- not evil enough. And we learn that despite Bill the Butcher's brutality, there's honor in him. You dont like them. The Penguin was originally portrayed by the great Burgess Meredith back in the 60s on TV but is best remembered as being played by the very talented Danny DeVito in Batman Returns. About a week ago u/Gazook89 suggested the idea of a monologue generator for "super villains." In response, he unleashed his freeze gun on the city of Gotham and, when he tells everybody that the Iceman cometh and to chill, he means it literally. 10 Most Thought-Provoking Villain Monologues, 15 Types of Villains Screenwriters Need to Know, The Screenwriter's Simple Guide to TV Writing, 101 Hilarious (or Slightly Amusing) Comedic Story Prompts, Screenwriting Basics: How to Write an Effective Montage, How to Sell a Movie Idea If Youre Not a Screenwriter. How can screenwriters create movie villains that are more compelling and engaging? Just to show that the Batman movies offer equal opportunities for evil female villains as well as the male variety, Catwoman appears on the scene and has us wondering if shes a friend or a foe. Its gone. Taste, dont swallow. And only then will the full brilliance and awful power of my exquisite plan be truly revealed. Greed works. And he's utterly terrifying once we know the evil behind that smile. Bit. And because of that, General Hummel has more depth and is more engaging as a villain. You truly are incorruptible, arent you? It's very funny and lampoons a lot of the lessons we've learned above. THE PENGUIN in Batman Returns (1992). He has a son. Uma Thurman does a mightily seductive job of playing Poison Ivy in 1997s Batman & Robin. When we say "long," what we really mean is one-sided, uninterrupted, and ongoing until a point is made. So as you can see, monologues and villains go hand in hand, no matter the entertainment delivery system. Taste, don't swallow. It's a peek into yet another disturbing individual's mind. The "Greed is Good" one from Gordon Gecko. He turns to me and says, Why so serious? Comes at me with the knife. No strings attached. Im winning anyway, Im winning Im winning any motherf*cking way. Think about the incredibly famous "one who knocks" from Breaking Bad. POISON IVY in Batman & Robin (1997). Our Price. "Youve loved it. . Silva, having hacked into MI6s computer systems, then reveals how M lied to Bond about his medical tests. You want to make sure they are telling the audience something new. Did I do my job? Well see how many youve got if theyre hidden somewhere. Another one I truly loved was delivered by Monique in the movie Precious. I just thought it was a cold-blooded thing to say to a motherf*cker before I popped a cap in his ass. Any recommendations for plays or characters that'd . And how he truly believes that hes done nothing wrong. And while his "evil" intentions are defined through the threat of unleashing chemical weapons on the innocent citizens of San Francisco while holding even more citizens hostage on Alcatraz, through this monologue (and others within the script) we see his point of view. Judge 12 Angry Villains 9 WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?! Last time. 3. Fuck the corrupt cops with their anus-violating plungers and their 41 shots, standing behind a blue wall of silence. They have evil intentions and want to harm the hero at all costs. You motherf*ckers will be playing basketball in Pelican Bay when I get finished with you. The Top 20 Villain Monologues in Superhero Movies, No Time to Dies First Trailer Shows Daniel Craigs Bond Going Out with a Bang, The Top Five Uses of Ray Charles Music in Movies, The Top Five Sylvester Stallone Screaming Moments on Film, The Top Five Sylvester Stallone Fighting Scenes in Movies, Behind The Scenes Effects In Movies That Show You Whats Truly Going On, Blade Runner 2049s Amazing New Trailer Looks Like the Genuine Article. Twenty seven years, Im finally in the spotlight, huh? Ezekiel 25:17. I hear you. The hero should then get an opportunity to explain to the audience why the villain's motives are misguided and wrong. And while his speech may be nothing more than a smokescreen to get stockholders to vote his way, it's a compelling and thought-provoking perspective. Answer me. You have a right to do that, but you have no right to judge me.". As a businesswoman and entrepreneur, Ms. Robinson started a company in California with five local stores and a popular website called All of these questions need to be addressed in the villain monologue. Hes a Nordic god turned trickster who exudes charm, humor, and wit but is really just a nasty guy, all in all, whos known for telling everybody that they are really just made to be ruled and will always kneel in the end. God likes to watch. Taste, dont swallow And while youre jumping from one foot to the next, what is he doing? "Introduce a little anarchy. He believes that large groups of people must die for the restoration of the natural order of things on Earth. You haven't thought about your lady friend down in the DA's office. No strings attached. Consider for a moment the world a rat lives in. We're gone as far as we can with him. How much you make? Move the fuck on. Follow Ken on Twitter@KenMovies. If the monologue is in the form of some public speech and other characters take advantage of it either by assassination, kidnapping, or hijacking the speech, than it is more a case of exploiting Swiss-Cheese Security than it is that the speaker is distracted. When Bond finds out about Operation Grand Slam (or so he thinks), he tells Goldfinger all the reasons why it wont work; how much gold, how many men to load it on to how many trucks. Gordon Gekko's speech to stockholders of a company he is about to dissolve makes the tough sell of the single character trait that dominates each cinematic moment when he is onscreen greed. And while you're jumpin' from one foot to the next, what is He doing? Christina, get out of that bed. Here we present the ten best and most thought-provoking villain monologues that accomplish that kind of cathartic moment. All for a single clue towards this powerful artifact that I now hold in my arsenal. 1. Samuel Gerard (Tommy Lee Jones) fromThe Fugitive is clearly the antagonist he is in opposition to Richard Kimbles (Harrison Ford) escape but he is not the villain because there are no evil intentions. It also helps guide you through a 10-week writing plan that will get your script actually finished. One of the classic tropes of villainy is the villain's monologue, the point where he launches into a little speech detailing what he's done and why, often with an explanation of the inevitability of his success which will soon be rendered ironic by . Cookie Notice Fucking bitch. Kudos, Tom Hardy, youve done it again! "Twenty of those men were left to rot outside Baghdad after the conflict ended. Because I never rejected him. Fuck the Bensonhurst Italians with their pomaded hair, their nylon warmup suits, their St. Anthony medallions, swinging their Jason Giambi Louisville Slugger baseball bats trying to audition for The Sopranos. They never pass the ball, they dont want to play defense, they take five steps on every layup to the hoop, and then they want to turn around and blame everything on the white man. The most famous villain monologue is probably fromApocalypseNow, where Colonel Kurtz delivers his epic speech before he's killed. Go home and play with your kids. Self-styled masters of the universe. However, villains often become one-note ponies in that respect. Send those Enron assholes to jail for fucking life. Fascinating creature, the black mamba. We understand it. 19. A great example of a villain monologue that gives us just enough information to whet our appetite is the climactic sequence of The Dark Knight. The amazing Bane monologues in this film are just way too many to go into but perhaps some of the best ones are when Bane destroys a CIA plane, grabbing Dr.Pavel on the way down just before ditching. His men died for their country and they weren't even given a military burial. For a few seconds, it appears Batman, infuriated, has caved in to his instincts and has decided to kill The Joker. You need me on that wall. shoving me in the fucking woods You got me! Yes, this is it here. These things build a rounded character. Arc Studio is the new industry standard in screenwriting.We go beyond formatting, with next-generation story-building and real-time collaboration. The titular baddie in Dr. No, the first ever Bond movie, was burdened with setting up some of the franchise's worldbuilding. One. What other great villain monologues did we miss? Fuck the squeegee men dirtying up the clean windshield of my car. Greed in all of its forms. And Mr. 9mm here hes the shepherd protecting my righteous ass in the valley of darkness. Hes pragmatic, logical, and I doubt hed be afraid to confront the religious fundamentalists. Writing and collaborating is easier than ever and it gets better every week. Hes a prankster. Okay, lets be honest, we all know that villains tend to be endowed with a slightly deeper reservoir of intellect. Or do you just want to hang me? That was rude of me wasn't it? I watched C-beams glitter in the dark near the Tannhauser gate. Learn how to write a compelling villain monologue. I'm an agent of chaos. With Arc Studio pro, you stay focused while writing your screenplay, craft better stories, and collaborate with ease. This is when the villain has captured or wrong-footed the hero, and they are in great jeopardy. Clean. Fuck the Uptown brothers. While I could pontificate about the psychology of these villains and analyse their motives, instead, I feel these monologues carry their own weight and whether they are new or old favourites, they will evoke a distinct emotion in you. Savage Wombat. King Kong aint got shit on me Alonzo Harris (Denzel Washington) | Training Day. Hes the epitome of really unsettling super-villains, as well as a narcissist with delusions of grandeur. Youre quasi-evil. Mommy gets the kitchen knife to defend herself. Powered by Discourse, best viewed with JavaScript enabled, This clip from the Justice League Unlimited finale. But let's be honest villains are more fun to write. It's an "oh how the mighty have fallen" speech. On top of that, Edmund is particularly bitter as he was born out of wedlock, meaning his birth was with someone other . NEVER!". Why? I drink it up!. He gives you this extraordinary gift, and then what does He do, I swear for His own amusement, his own private, cosmic gag reel, He sets the rules in opposition. Fuck the Korean grocers with their pyramids of overpriced fruit and their tulips and roses wrapped in plastic. You see, Father, by creating a little destruction, Im in fact encouraging life. Its the goof of all time. But as we witness his final moments before death, we see the human in him, despite the fact that he's an android. Now I been saying that shit for years. When Bruce Wayne refuses to show that he is truly committed to justice with the execution of a criminal, Ras Al Ghul tells him that he simply cant lead unless he is prepared to do whatevers is necessary for defeating evil. No medals were given. I had some good villanous dialogue with a talking sword once. Monologues really fit into the motif of fantasy. Magneto (Ian McKellen) appeared in a number of X-Men movies and, in fact, his daughter pops up on the new hit TV show The Gifted, exhibiting many of the same powers that her famous father possesses. From the bad guy in the Treasure of the Sierra Madre who said Badges? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. how to critically analyse a case law; where does deadpool fit in the mcu timeline; joe montana high school stats. Big Baddies love to talk about their ingenious plans or dive into their dark pasts. Here we see the relationship between the hero and the villain examined. Hes a SADIST! With Batman Begins in 2005, The Dark Knight in 2008, and The Dark Knight Rises in 2012, Nolan definitely became the favorite director of Batman films ever, so well be interested to see if Affleck can really give him a run for his money. In this film. No mention of Al Pacinos rant in The Devils Advocate? I will You dont like it, leave. RAS AL GHUL in Batman Begins (2005). Hang the traitor! 7 Most Villainous Monologues By Henry Abosi Okay, let's be honest, we all know that villains tend to be endowed with a slightly deeper reservoir of intellect. You think you can do this shit Jake. God likes to watch. No way! However, Landa points out that a squirrel could very well spread the same diseases, yet the farmer would likely not have the same disdain for a squirrel as he would for a rat. And we understand the villain and why he was as ruthless as he was throughout the story. Fuck the Russians in Brighton Beach. 15. People from your world have so much to lose. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness, for he is truly his brothers keeper and the finder of lost children. In Superman 2, Dr. Otto Octavius (Alfred Molina) was a mad scientist who dedicated his life to research and builds a fusion-powered reactor that is sustainable, which is funded by Oscorp and Peter Parkers friend, Harry Osborn (James Franco). You don't want the truth because deep down in places you don't talk about at parties, you want me on that wall. To date, she has written 1,629 articles for Textbroker and 1,023 for HireWriters on subjects ranging from advertising, affiliate marketing, article recaps, blog posts, SEO, web pages, and automated content marketing to health, beauty, and fashion, boats, sailing, and travel plus pets, lawn and landscaping, Real Estate, legal, and entertainment. In the film, Tony Stark intends for Ultron to act as a global peacekeeping force. And while youre jumpin from one foot to the next, what is he doing? I dont have the exact quote, but he starts out by walking over to his girlfriend and telling Philip Marlowe how much he loves her. Im peakin. The Red Skull enjoyed pointing out the fact that arrogance isnt a trait that is uniquely American, but that he had to say that Captain America did it better than anyone else although there were limits to what the superhero could do. It's fair!". And at that moment, we know that he's talking about Jews and how he feels about them. The final villain monologue should not introduce new character traits. Where were you? Touch up your dialogue with our free eBook! Go on and walk away cause Im gonna burn this motherf*cker down. The most efficient, elegant, intuitive, and all around user-friendly screenwriting software I've ever used and I've used them all. Villain monologue . Khan Noonien Singh . Edward Nigma is a Batman character who loves riddles but that love has turned into something truly unhealthy for everybody around him. Some elements of the villains motivations and backstory should be sprinkled throughout the script and then confirmed or elaborated on in the climax. Whats wire hangers doing in this closet when I told you: no wire hangers EVER?! We used to be gorillas.". Arc Studio is the new standard in screenwriting software: stay focused, craft better stories, and collaborate with ease. Yet every time this came up, I simply role-played the sword . Some Ivy League prick whos afraid of having dinner in DC because of street crime is judging my worth! You ready for that, Slayne? A former screenwriter, Gale and her late husband, Richard Robinson, wrote screenplays for major motion pictures that include the hit movie Piranha that went on to become several sequels over the years, Kingdom of the Spiders starring William Shatner, Poor Pretty Eddie starring Shelley Winters and Slim Pickens, and Highballin starring Peter Fonda and Jerry Reed. A supervillain is usually nothing more than an evil character that is looking to take over the world and destroy his or her counterpart, the superhero. When a villain sums up their motives for their actions, it is easy for them to explain everything in one long speech. Three Brands You Need To Keep On Your Radar To Get Perfect Lighting, IMAX Is a Force To Be Reckoned With at Box Offices (to No Ones Surprise), The Western Genre in Film and TV (Definition and Examples). Nicknamed "Edmund the Bastard," Edmund is a character in Shakespeare's tragedy, "King Lear." He is the black sheep of the family, and self-conscious because he believes his father favors the so-called "good brother" over him. I hand you the target, I tell you who and where. Every single one of your characters, from Mad Max to the dashing secret agent in This Means War with Reese Witherspoon and Chris Pine, has wowed us. Oops! How could we improve it? He's a husband. "Some men arent looking for anything logical, like money, they cant be reasoned with, bullied or negotiated with," Alfred the Butler tells Bruce Wayne when describing The Joker. I did this to people I did no know or hold any ill will toward. Hes a tight-ass! I'm sorry, Budd. But we understand the root of his evil and how it drives his intentions and actions. So when you're writing a script that has a villain wreaking havoc, don't forget to include that all-powerful and thought-provoking monologue to make your script even better. Whether your hero is quirky, handsome, an underdog, cocky and brave, or quiet and understated, they are nothing without a great villain to test them. Or it could mean youre the righteous man and Im the shepherd and its the world thats evil and selfish. You dont need me to stand for anything. Alright. The monologue provokes thoughts about life, death, memories, and what happens when humans play God. Hes an absentee landlord! With arc Studio pro, you stay focused while writing your screenplay, craft better,. Mean youre the righteous man and Im the shepherd protecting my righteous ass in the dark.. As I can remember, I looked him up on the ground with my in! A monologue generator for `` super villains. pragmatic, logical, and they were dishrag... Robin ( 1997 ) than you car mention of Al Pacinos rant in the fucking you.: * that watch costs more than you car something truly unhealthy for everybody around him the conflict ended to. 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villain monologues script